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Array ( [0] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 106 [organisation_name] => The ART training center [description] => نعمل في نشاط التدريب الإعلامي في دبي ، وحصلنا علي ترخيص المنطقة الحرة في جميرا DMCC لدينا ترخيص من هيئة المعرفة [user_id] => 4032 [contact_name] => طارق حسن [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => تدريب إعلامي [start_year] => 2018 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 5 [clients] => 19 [notes] => نرعب في وجود مستثمر شريك بالمال، لايجار مكتب كبيريتسع للأنشطة التي حصلنا عليها في الترخيص وهي 12 نشاط [image] => /yomken2/images/avatar.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4032 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => طارق [last_name] => عيسوي [password] => f9ee3867d5deb37a4959790e1271931658edcc07 [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-04-30 02:13:32 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [1] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 107 [organisation_name] => رقي [description] => شركة خاصة تعمل علي تدوير النفايات هدفها الاول اعانة المراة الضعبفة [user_id] => 4042 [contact_name] => Rufida [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => SD [website] => [main_activity] => تجاري [start_year] => 2018 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 5 [clients] => 200 [notes] => بالنسبة للعملاء يتوقف حسب السوق والاقبال ولكن الحد المعقول 200 او اكثر [image] => /yomken2/images/avatar.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4042 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => روجينا [last_name] => ازهري [password] => b9ceab7c62212c59e92080a5ac065bea62e548cd [mobile] => 249901447599 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => SD [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-05-02 14:26:21 [last_login] => 2018-05-03 17:51:24 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => SD [country] => Sudan [country_ar] => السودان [country_fr] => Soudan ) ) [2] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 108 [organisation_name] => جمعية مصطفى البكرى للتنمية [description] => [user_id] => 4065 [contact_name] => أحمد محمد محمود [contact_email] => [primary_language] => ar [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => 4e5dd2e9a09b58247abb25079bb6c498.PNG [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4065 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => جمعية مصطفى البكرى [last_name] => للتنمية [password] => c03e367b11196edb01664a26a2bd015c7e92eff1 [mobile] => [balance] => 1.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-05-07 11:10:06 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [3] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 109 [organisation_name] => Plastic Pipes & Fittings Company [description] =>Anonymous
[user_id] => 4092 [contact_name] => أحمد سعيد [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => n/a [main_activity] => n/a [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] =>Anonymous
[image] => d39ced6442a38a5e7359dd020e84b87a.jpg [type] => Others ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4092 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Plastic Pipes and Fittings [last_name] => Company [password] => c03e367b11196edb01664a26a2bd015c7e92eff1 [mobile] => [balance] => 2.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-05-14 14:46:35 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [4] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 110 [organisation_name] => شركة كنزى للبلاستيك [description] => [user_id] => 4102 [contact_name] => سامح عبدالحليم [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] =>N/A
[image] => 145333a1a7ebb72c7ed709e32330bcd9.jpg [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4102 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => شركة كنزى [last_name] => للبلاستيك [password] => c03e367b11196edb01664a26a2bd015c7e92eff1 [mobile] => [balance] => 1.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-05-15 13:46:27 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [5] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 111 [organisation_name] => وطن للثقافة والفنون [description] => وطن للثقافة والفنون هو مؤسسة فلسطينية تعمل بقطاع غزة, تهتم بالثقافة والفنون والتراث الفلسطيني وتسعى لتعزيز الهوية الفلسطينية في نفوس الأجيال القادمة, كما و تقدم دورات تدريبية بكافة المجالات لمختلف شرائح المجتمع, و يعنى بقضايا المرأة وتعزيز دورها بالمجتمع و مناهضة العنف ضد المرأة و قضايا الزواج المبكر و عمالة الأطفال و الأيتام و رعاية كبار السن, ومساعدة الأسر الفقيرة ورعاية الموهبين وتنمية مهاراتهم, والاهتمام بالمسرح والتمثيل لعرض قضايا اجتماعية. [user_id] => 4119 [contact_name] => watan [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => PS [website] => [main_activity] => تراث ومشغولات يدوية - مسرح ودورات تدريبية [start_year] => 2017 [branches] => 0 [employees] => 4 [clients] => [notes] => [image] => d8476270982da1efc6349a3c8db750cb.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4119 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => watan [last_name] => center [password] => 110cc118bcd052259427e34db5efd452a4cf583c [mobile] => 00972598019019 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => وطن للثقافة والفنون هو مؤسسة فلسطينية تعمل بقطاع غزة, تهتم بالثقافة والفنون والتراث الفلسطيني وتسعى لتعزيز الهوية الفلسطينية في نفوس الأجيال القادمة, كما و تقدم دورات تدريبية بكافة المجالات لمختلف شرائح المجتمع, و يعنى بقضايا المرأة وتعزيز دورها بالمجتمع و مناهضة العنف ضد المرأة و قضايا الزواج المبكر و عمالة الأطفال و الأيتام و رعاية كبار السن, ومساعدة الأسر الفقيرة ورعاية الموهبين وتنمية مهاراتهم, والاهتمام بالمسرح والتمثيل لعرض قضايا اجتماعية. [currency] => EGP [country_id] => PS [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-05-19 09:36:24 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => PS [country] => Palestine [country_ar] => فلسطين [country_fr] => Territoires palestiniens ) ) [6] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 112 [organisation_name] => Al Tadamun Microfinance Foundation [description] =>Al Tadamun Microfinance Foundation started in 1996 as a Group Guaranteed Lending and Saving pilot project developed by the Egyptian field office of Save the Children USA, in partnership with the Women’s Health Improvement Association (WHIA), which is a local NGO. The project was designed to meet the need of underprivileged Egyptian women micro-entrepreneur for a source of finance to set up, sustain and expand projects, thus generating more income for their families.
In 2003, Al Tadamun became a program running under the legal umbrella of WHIA.
Al Tadamun became an independent foundation under the legal umbrella of the Ministry of Social Solidarity, under number 573 in March, 22, 2009 in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 84 of 2002 and its implementing regulations.
Al Tadamun came under the supervision of the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority (EFSA), in accordance with the microfinance law no. 141 of 2014. During October 2015 Al Tadamun obtained the license no. 1117 for practicing microfinance.
كانت النشأة الأولى لمؤسسة التضامن في عام ١٩٩٦ عندما قامت هيئة "إنقاذ الطفولة الأمريكية" بالقاهرة بالتعاون مع الجمعية النسائية لتحسين الصحة بإطلاق مشروع تجريبي للادخار والإقراض بضمان المجموعة لتلبية حاجة السيدات الفقيرات إلى موارد مالية تمكنهن من إقامة أو دعم أو توسيع بعض المشاريع متناهية الصغر لتدر عليهن دخلاً لمساعدة أسرهن على الخروج من دائرة الفقر.
[user_id] => 4247 [contact_name] => al tadamun [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => n/a [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => c31d3477237f75055fe645dfad1ba864.jpg [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4247 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => مؤسسة التضامن [last_name] => للتمويل متناهي الصغر [password] => c03e367b11196edb01664a26a2bd015c7e92eff1 [mobile] => [balance] => 23.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-06-11 11:58:45 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [7] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 113 [organisation_name] => شاذلي لتدوير المخلفات [description] => شاذلي لتدوير المخلفات هدفنا ان نستطيع تدوير اكبر قدر ممكن من المخلفات الزراعية والمنزلية العضوية وتحويلها لسماد عضوي بدلا من رميها بترعة البلد لدينا مما سبب ثلوث كبير جداا للبلد واصابة الكثير بالفشل الكلوي والامراض [user_id] => 4292 [contact_name] => هشام [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => تدوير المخلفات الزراعية ومخلفات المنازل العضوية [start_year] => 2018 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 5 [clients] => 0 [notes] => نحتاج لدعم مالي للتوسع وزيادة مساحة المكان لتدوير اكبر قدر ممكن من المخلفات [image] => /yomken2/images/avatar.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4292 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => هشام [last_name] => صابر [password] => dd12b48a4ec655976327b55242b6083b990605c2 [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-06-20 10:28:48 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [8] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 114 [organisation_name] => Dairy Products Plant [description] => [user_id] => 4312 [contact_name] => Mohamed Shehab [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => n/a [main_activity] => Dairy [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] =>
ما لبث هذا البرنامج التجريبي أن تطور ونما حتى استقل بذاته عام ٢٠٠٣ تحت مسمى "برنامج التضامن للتمويل الأصغر" وتحت المظلة القانونية "للجمعية النسائية لتحسين الصحة".فى عام ٢٠٠٩ اتخذ برنامج التضامن صفة المؤسسة الأهلية وتم تسجيلها بوزارة التضامن الاجتماعي برقم ٥٧٣ وبتاريخ ٢٢ مارس ٢٠٠٩، وذلك وفق أحكام القانون رقم ٨٤ لسنة ٢٠٠٢ وإجراءاته التنفيذية.
أصبحت مؤسسة التضامن تحت إشراف الهيئة العامة للرقابة المالية المصرية وفقاً لقانون تنظيم نشاط التمويل متناهي الصغر الجديد رقم ١٤١ لسنة ٢٠١٤. في ٢٩ أكتوبر ٢٠١٥، حصلت مؤسسة التضامن على ترخيص مزاولة نشاط التمويل متناهي الصغر رقم ١١١٧.n/a
[image] => 5c0efbad107b3507801ead0e3ebbb59e.jpg [type] => Others ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4312 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Dairy Products [last_name] => Plant [password] => c03e367b11196edb01664a26a2bd015c7e92eff1 [mobile] => [balance] => 1.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-06-21 17:33:38 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [9] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 115 [organisation_name] => Nahfeh Handmade [description] => نهفة هي مشروع أعمال يدوية ديكورات منزلية واكسسوار للرجال والنساء وأزياء يدوية الصنع (حياكة الصوف) [user_id] => 4414 [contact_name] => Nahfeh [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => LB [website] => [main_activity] => Handmade [start_year] => 2014 [branches] => 2 [employees] => 5 [clients] => [notes] => [image] => /yomken2/images/avatar.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4414 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Eesa [last_name] => Alkhdr [password] => 783a13e788f322491dd5829349ee4cc01b5c6e48 [mobile] => 0096171340568 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => LB [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-07-10 15:27:09 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => LB [country] => Lebanon [country_ar] => لبنان [country_fr] => Liban ) ) [10] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 116 [organisation_name] => Bread For Education [description] => [user_id] => 4506 [contact_name] => Hind Farahat [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => JO [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => 20056c6356b5824c513bf08bd647cb3c.jpg [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4506 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Bread [last_name] => For Education [password] => c03e367b11196edb01664a26a2bd015c7e92eff1 [mobile] => [balance] => 1.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-08-02 11:34:25 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => JO [country] => Jordan [country_ar] => الأردن [country_fr] => Jordanie ) ) [11] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 117 [organisation_name] => Dubai’s Expo 2020 Expo Live innovation program [description] => [user_id] => 4507 [contact_name] => EXPO 2020 [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => AE [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 2013 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 100000 [clients] => 10000000 [notes] => [image] => c71f71a947df4f0e77fff4e7a22acb52.PNG [type] => Others ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4507 [group_id] => 10 [email] => [first_name] => EXPO [last_name] => 2020 [password] => c03e367b11196edb01664a26a2bd015c7e92eff1 [mobile] => [balance] => 1.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-08-02 11:47:12 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => AE [country] => United Arab Emirates [country_ar] => الإمارات العربية المتحدة [country_fr] => Émirats arabes unis ) ) [12] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 118 [organisation_name] => صحتك مصلحتك للتغذية والتوعية الصحية [description] => هي مبادرة ريادية مجتمعية تغذوية صحية علمية ثقافية تشاركية اعلامية تدريبية تاسست في ايار 2016 تهدف إلى نشر التوعية التغذوية والصحية بين افراد المجتمع بكافة فئاتهم وإلى ايجاد منهجية للارتقاء باختصاصيي التغذية الجدد. ونشر المعلومات التغذوية الحديثة بكافة الطرق الاعلامية المتاحة، سواء المسموعة والمرئية والمقروئة والتواصل الاجتماعي. وأيضا عبر المحاضرات في الجمعيات والمدارس والمشاركة في المؤتمرات التي تنظمها الجهات ذات العلاقة بالتغذية. وأيضاً نهدف بالمستقبل لتأسيس مركز للحميات الغذائية متميز، إلى جانب مركز لتدريب أخصائييي التغذية. يشرف عليا كل من أختصاصيي التغذية ناجح ناجي حسن، وآيات شطارة [user_id] => 4534 [contact_name] => صحتك مصلحتك [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => JO [website] => [main_activity] => التغذية الصحة التوعية المحاضرات [start_year] => 2016 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 22 [clients] => 50 [notes] => صفحة الفيس بوك [image] => 46fdf8f2d945dee77c1acdd7bbc3bdf8.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4534 [group_id] => 4 [email] => najeh512@gmail.cim [first_name] => najeh naji [last_name] => hassan [password] => de7fd1a529441355cef8ad02b7e5e3c6b5228ad8 [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => نرجو الاطلاع على السيرة الذاتية ولاتي يتم تحديثها على الرابط التالي: [currency] => EGP [country_id] => JO [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-08-08 21:45:37 [last_login] => 2018-08-26 11:50:09 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => JO [country] => Jordan [country_ar] => الأردن [country_fr] => Jordanie ) ) [13] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 119 [organisation_name] => الفنار للخدمات المنزلية [description] => خدمات منزلية نظافة عامة فلل بيوت تعقيم خزانات المياه [user_id] => 4539 [contact_name] => abokaka [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => SA [website] => [main_activity] => خدمات منزلية [start_year] => 2005 [branches] => 5 [employees] => 20 [clients] => 10000 [notes] => [image] => /yomken2/images/avatar.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4539 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => abo [last_name] => kaka [password] => 33ce85c31746b438c4a8053ab9d176b396234de7 [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => SA [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-08-10 10:35:59 [last_login] => 2019-03-26 20:25:25 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => SA [country] => Saudi Arabia [country_ar] => المملكة العربية السعودية [country_fr] => Arabie saoudite ) ) [14] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 120 [organisation_name] => جوفرت [description] => جوفرت :- مشروع بادئ سيتم استئجار جزء من كوفي شوب شهير في دولة المغرب بالدار البيضاء كبداية ومع زيادة المبيعات سيتم التوسع واستئجار مكان كبير خاص بنا يشتمل على مكان خدمة عملاء مع مستودع للتخزين ومعمل للتصنيع بالإضافة إلى عمل علامة تجارية خاصة بنا وبذلك مع التوسع نكون مطالبين بزيادة الموظفين [user_id] => 4622 [contact_name] => محمد عامر [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => MA [website] => [main_activity] => بيع الوافل البلجيكي [start_year] => 2018 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 2 [clients] => [notes] => [image] => b222c11256f4400621bdcdc41a9ccaa5.jpeg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4622 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Mohamed [last_name] => Amer [password] => 4c1a93e8f7e4b7451f11cb58e651de7173b37581 [mobile] => 00966553863359 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => رئيس حسابات - مصري - مقيم بالسعودية [currency] => EGP [country_id] => SA [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-08-29 21:59:27 [last_login] => 2018-09-09 07:57:49 [fb_access_token] => EAACSseCJ8Y8BACEfSI4xudqIjBwpJl6mN6wNTNTpUbNK2oXh50MgjfXZC8VXHRTCISVHNdl73089PAZAYdZAKxv1wRzAVV1ZAYMjJqQmCEjCMzxDEpUHWaAKDn5gQBPtz6ZCRZA8qMZBHQ7g7RwgoUEz1MDIQSbNOdX3TZC3S0LDzgZDZD ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => MA [country] => Morocco [country_ar] => المغرب [country_fr] => Maroc ) ) [15] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 121 [organisation_name] => جلوب أون جروب [description] => شركة خاصة كيان فردي مسجل في مصر يضم مجموعة أنشطة مختلفة ، و هي :- 1 - إنتاج حميع الأعمال الإبتكارية في المجالات المختلفة ( أعمال الملكية الفكرية ) إضالفة إلى 2 - مجال صناعة الأغلفة " الأمعاء " الطبيعية ، المشتقة من حيوانات :- ( الأغنام - الأبقار - الخنازير - الخيول ) [user_id] => 4696 [contact_name] => محمد السيد أحمد أحمد صرصار [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => مخترع محترف [start_year] => 2005 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => b91c305efb0c5acb33fb5d088f5ab214.PNG [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4696 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj [last_name] => ttt [password] => f872530f34e27a3ba9396e4b8f69e0145c010794 [mobile] => 1111 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => CU [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-09-16 19:33:30 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [16] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 122 [organisation_name] => Initiative in Candle Making [description] => [user_id] => 4748 [contact_name] => candlemaking [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => JO [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 2018 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => f602b6369f57ad217c565f604fd47abb.jpeg [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4748 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Initiative [last_name] => in Candle Making [password] => c03e367b11196edb01664a26a2bd015c7e92eff1 [mobile] => [balance] => 2.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-09-30 14:26:01 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => JO [country] => Jordan [country_ar] => الأردن [country_fr] => Jordanie ) ) [17] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 123 [organisation_name] => رأفت خاطر [description] => جمعية غير ربحية تقوم على مساعدة الفقراء والأيتام وتأمين الحياة الكريمة لهم [user_id] => 4768 [contact_name] => رأفت خاطر [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => JO [website] => [main_activity] => جمعية أصدقاء العمال والفقراء والأيتام الخيرية [start_year] => ٢٠١٧ [branches] => 0 [employees] => 7 [clients] => [notes] => إن جمعية أصدقاء العمال والفقراء والأيتام الخيرية تهدف من مشاريعها أشاعة التكافل وتعميق الأخوة وبث الرحمة [image] => addc4c70786a46775bdbf18a10e1b141.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4768 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Rafat [last_name] => khater [password] => beb945937036ed549980ecba04b7625c2ab4e256 [mobile] => ٠٧٦٧٨٩٤٤٣ [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => JO [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-10-04 04:14:38 [last_login] => 2018-10-04 18:39:45 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => JO [country] => Jordan [country_ar] => الأردن [country_fr] => Jordanie ) ) [18] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 124 [organisation_name] => engineering community [description] => Engineering community is platform that �Empower� Engineers to share, learn and explore new product. The community created for and by Engineers where WE invite you to ask, share information & ideas & help Engineers to solve their day to day problems by comments / suggestions. [user_id] => 4829 [contact_name] => engineering community [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => SA [website] => [main_activity] => engineering [start_year] => 2017 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 20000 [notes] => [image] => /yomken2/images/avatar.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4829 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => abdullah [last_name] => jaber [password] => 922a53a59d44b863a521c76b00bd2af02d30b1c6 [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => SA [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-10-20 12:34:18 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => SA [country] => Saudi Arabia [country_ar] => المملكة العربية السعودية [country_fr] => Arabie saoudite ) ) [19] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 125 [organisation_name] => BuildPalestine [description] => بيلدباليستاين هي منصة لتشجيع الريادية المجتمعية في فلسطين عن طريق التمويل الجماعي و الابتكار التشاركي [user_id] => 4833 [contact_name] => لمى محمد عمرو [contact_email] => lama@buildpalestine [primary_language] => [country_id] => PS [website] => [main_activity] => التمويل الجماعي [start_year] => 2017 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 4 [clients] => [notes] => [image] => c0ae7b5fad02476863bb829d9215858d.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4833 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Build [last_name] => Palestine [password] => dc718f9f4e42bb8e5aea7f5fd415b25ec91b1067 [mobile] => 00972599579425 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => بيلدباليستاين هي منصة لتشجع الريادة المجتمعية في فلسطين [currency] => EGP [country_id] => PS [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-10-21 13:47:15 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => PS [country] => Palestine [country_ar] => فلسطين [country_fr] => Territoires palestiniens ) ) )
Page 6 of 11, showing 20 records out of 211 total
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