    [0] => Array
            [Ngo] => Array
                    [id] => 126
                    [organisation_name] => Test
                    [description] => 
                    [user_id] => 4834
                    [contact_name] => Test
                    [contact_email] => Test
                    [primary_language] => en
                    [country_id] => PS
                    [website] => Test
                    [main_activity] => Test
                    [start_year] => 1970
                    [branches] => 1
                    [employees] => 1
                    [clients] => 1
                    [notes] => 


[image] => [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4834 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Test [last_name] => Test [password] => 33d9b39332893bcb786275d0bb9d020e9b8022e7 [mobile] => [balance] => 1.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-10-21 15:59:38 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => PS [country] => Palestine [country_ar] => فلسطين [country_fr] => Territoires palestiniens ) ) [1] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 127 [organisation_name] => Baheya Foundation For Breast Cancer Treatment [description] =>

Baheya Foundation for Early Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer is a non-profit organization that treats women with breast cancer for free from early detection through all stages of treatment including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, psychotherapy, physiotherapy and clinical nutrition.

Baheya Foundation Founded in 2015 to reduce the suffering of women from low-income families going through treatment which they can’t afford by providing the needed treatments as early detection increases the survival rate.

[user_id] => 4858 [contact_name] => Baheya Foundation for Early Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => علاج سرطان الثدي [start_year] => 2015 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 2000 [clients] => 50000 [notes] => [image] => f9a231bbf4e758b5832847b4d0ae90c6.jpg [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4858 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Baheya Foundation [last_name] => for Breast Cancer Treatment [password] => e402252e4045e1a7fcaec359140c88505ca1c021 [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-10-29 13:07:37 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [2] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 128 [organisation_name] => CINQUE GROUP 4 DESIGN [description] => شركة مختصة في الاكساء الداخلي والخارجي وإعادة الإعمار [user_id] => 4827 [contact_name] => Hazem Al-Ali [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => SY [website] => [main_activity] => عمارة [start_year] => 2016 [branches] => 3 [employees] => 3 [clients] => 25 [notes] => [image] => 160c637dad33a461bf23514d24e584b3.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4827 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Hazem [last_name] => Al_Ali [password] => 7f623537941dbd38dff3d792bffe74c69b1a3537 [mobile] => 0930456836 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => خريج جامعة دمشق - كلية الفنون الجميلة - قسم العمارة والتصميم الداخلي مهندس ديكور اعمل بشكل حر منذ عام 2015 في مجال الديكور والاكساء الداخلي والخارجي مصمم رسومات اعمل في مجال التصميم الإعلاني وتصميم المواقع الإلكترونية منذ عام 2015 [currency] => EGP [country_id] => SY [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-10-20 07:47:04 [last_login] => 2018-11-18 22:33:02 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => SY [country] => Syria [country_ar] => سوريا [country_fr] => Syrie ) ) [3] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 129 [organisation_name] => Nano 4life [description] => منتجات حماية المانية بتقنية النانو تكنولوجي بتعمل علي حماية اي سطع توضع عليه من ( اقمشة و مفروشات و ملابس و احذية و زجاج و اخشاب و حمامات و استانلس و سيارات و موبايلات و واجهات المحلات و الشركات و البنوك.....الخ) جميع المجالات تقوم هذه الماده بعمل حماية ضد السوائل و الديوت و الشحومات و الاطعمة و الاتساخات و الخدوش و الاحتكاكات و يتحمل درجه حرارة حتي 1200 درجة مئوية لفترات تصل الي 10 سنوات [user_id] => 4938 [contact_name] => حماية النانو [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => حماية الاسطح [start_year] => 2018 [branches] => 0 [employees] => 0 [clients] => 0 [notes] => مطلوب الدعم المالي فقط و بفضل الله توجد الخبرة [image] => /yomken2/images/avatar.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4938 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => شريف [last_name] => ابو العدل [password] => b517bbe6bc5d2c4ec3eea9bb20613d91bee28573 [mobile] => 01279036840 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => اعمل باحدي شركات البترول بوظيفة رئيس قسم بالشئون الادارية بالاضافة الي اني كان لي و مازلت لدي خبرة بالكار كير و تنظيف السيارات بالطريقة الكيميائية [currency] => EGP [country_id] => EG [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-11-27 22:44:14 [last_login] => 2018-11-27 23:59:52 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [4] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 130 [organisation_name] => Mo [description] => [user_id] => 4964 [contact_name] => my company [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => AD [website] => [main_activity] => not yet [start_year] => 2001 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 22 [clients] => 222 [notes] => [image] => /yomken2/images/avatar.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4964 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Mo Salah [password] => 2b09b9662e0e7c01c70df4517a64dedfa8c68f84 [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => AD [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-12-04 16:44:25 [last_login] => 2019-01-24 07:22:41 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => AD [country] => Andorra [country_ar] => أندورا [country_fr] => Andorre ) ) [5] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 131 [organisation_name] => Boody car keeping [description] => غسيل و تلميع السيارات من الجسم الخارجي و تنظيف فرش و ابواب و سقف و تابلوه السيارة داخليا [user_id] => 4996 [contact_name] => عابد [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => غسيل السيارات و السجاد [start_year] => 2019 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 2 [clients] => 0 [notes] => مشروع تحت الإنشاء [image] => 6ef2aca37606920a7d920c17df2c027a.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 4996 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => abed [last_name] => basheer [password] => 6d7293d2f779367d2902d899f1f3565e2c3fca70 [mobile] => 01223199780 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => EG [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-12-12 06:45:15 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [6] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 132 [organisation_name] => الجمعية المصرية لصحة المرأة [description] => الجمعية المصرية لصحة المرأة جمعية خيرية غير هادفة للربح ومسجلة وفقا لقانون الشئون و التأمينات الإجتماعية تحت رقم 6104 لعام 2005 و المعاد أشهارها برقم5576 جيزة تهدف الجمعية إلى الأهتمام بصحة المرأة من مختلف الطبقات الإجتماعية والأقتصادية عن طريق الكشف المبكر عن أورام المرأة (الثدي – الرحم و غيرها) كما تهدف إلى توعية السيدات بالعادات الصحية السليمة و تقدم الخدمات العلاجية المجانية لعلاج و إزالة الندبات الناجمة عن العنف ضد المرأة . رؤيتنا :- صحتك...... مهمتنا الأهداف:- • التوعية بوسائل الكشف المبكر عن سرطانات المرأة • تعزيز الحوار و خلق مجتمعات لوقف العنف ضد المراة • لعب دور قيادي في مبادرات البحث الحديثة و إقامة المؤتمرات و تدريب الأطباء في مجال صحة المراة المؤسسين :- د. أشرف سليم رئيس مجلس الإدارة د.درية سالم سكرتير عام د.نوران حسين أمين الصندوق و المدير التنفيذي د. مها هلال د.حسين أبو المكارم د.نجلاء عبد الرازق د.ماهي مختار خدماتنا:- الكشف المبكر :- يهدف برنامج الكشف المبكر الي توعية السيدات بالعلامات و الأعراض المبكرة للأورام و توجيههم الي التشخيص و العلاج الصحيح حيث يستهدف هذا البرنامج أماكن تجمعات السيدات من كافة الطبقات الإجتماعية ويشمل برنامج الكشف المبكر:- • الكشف المبكر عن اورام الثدي • الكشف المبكر عن أورام الرحم (الرحم و نق الرحم و المبيض) • الكشف المبكر عن هشاشة العظام التوعية :- يهدف هذا البرنامج الي رفع الوعي بمشاكل صحة المرأة من خلال التوعية بأهمية الكشف المبكر بالأضافة الي العمل كمناصرين لوقف العنف ضد المرأة و ذلك عن طريق: • المحاضرات • الندوات علاج التشوهات الناتجة عن العنف الجسدي ضد المرأة:- يقوم هذا البرناج بتقديم خدمات علاجية مجانية للسيدات و الفتيات ذات الدخل المنخفض اللاتي تعرضن للعنف الجسدي من المجتمع المحيط بهن وذلك العلاج يكون عن طريق: • العمليات الجراحية • جلاسات الليزر المؤتمرات و التدريب:- نقوم بتدريب الأطباء أخصائي الأشعة و أمراض النساء و فنيين الأشعة عن طريق تنظيم العديد من ورش العمل والتدريب و المؤتمرات لتحسين المعايير الأساسية للتصوير الطبي و تشخيص أمراض المرأة عن طريق التعليم المستمر في المجالات المختلفة و المرتبطة بصحة المرأة البحث العلمي:- تلتزم الجمعية بتمويل البحث العلمي المتطور الذي يساعد على وضع خطط مستقبلية لتحسين صحة المراة من مختلف الطبقات الإجتماعية والأقتصادية للوصول للسيدات بطرق ملائمة لأسلوب معيشتهن الدعم النفسي :- يستهدف برنامج الدعم النفسي السيدات ذات الاحتياجات النفسية المختلفة من خلال تزويدهن بالمعلومات و كذلك تنظيم فاعليات و أنشطة أجتماعية ، ويستهدف هذا البرنامج :- • السيدات الناجيات من سرطانات المرأة • السيدات الاتى تعرضن للعنف الجسدى وسائل التواصل الإجتماعي:- • النشرة الاخبارية • الموقع الألكتروني • المطبوعات • الفيسبوك • تويتر [user_id] => 5039 [contact_name] => عبير المرشدى [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => إلى الأهتمام بصحة المرأة من مختلف الطبقات الإجتماعية والأقتصادية عن طريق الكشف المبكر عن أورام المرأة (الثدي – الرحم و غيرها) كما تهدف إلى توعية السيدات بالعادات الصحية السليمة و تقدم الخدمات العلاجية المجانية لعلاج و إزالة الندبات الناجمة عن العنف ضد الم [start_year] => 2005 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 3 [clients] => [notes] => [image] => /yomken2/images/avatar.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 5039 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => عبير [last_name] => المرشدى [password] => b5feb10dfb81744d6bb802ea5df36314d9f3dceb [mobile] => 01011262530 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => 42 Abdelreheem Sabry St., Dokki -Cairo +2 018 2983009 Abeer EL Morshedy OBJECTIVE Looking for a promising career in a reputable organization where I can exploit my potentials and add to my experience to the utmost. EDUCATION 1997 Tanta University  Bachelor of Arts  Major: Archeology Grade: Good WORK EXPERIENCE: June 2015 to date: Operation Manager, Egyptian Society of Women’s Health, (ESWH) is a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization, working under the Social and Insurance Affairs Act, and registered as number 5576 in Giza. ESWH aims at providing health care for women from different social and economic brackets, through early detection of women’s tumors (breast, uterine, ovarian cancer, and others). ESWIH also targets raising awareness among women on the proper and healthy nutrition habits. ESWIH further provides free-of-charge treatment services for scar resurfacing resulting from physical assaults. November 2012 to May 2015 : Outreach Program Director, The Breast Cancer Foundation of Egypt ( in Alliance with Susan G. Komen for the Cure ( , (BCFE is a non-profit organization concerned with breast cancer disease in Egypt and Komen is an international, American based non-profit organization concerned with breast cancer globally) General responsibilities: Coordinates and manages different project simultaneously: Technical and outreach projects - Marketing and fundraising events and activities. - Marketing and PR plan within the community, the public and business sector. Key responsibilities: Technical and Outreach Projects: • Develop and facilitate workshops, meetings or conferences; coordinate logistics, scheduling and participant communications. • Coordinate, monitor or supervise the activities of subordinates • Ensure the delivery of programs and services; ongoing program development and measurable evaluation • Develop and schedule program work plan in accordance with specifications; oversees daily operations and coordinates activities of program; determines priorities. • Prepare periodic reports, financial statements and record on program activities, progress, status or other special reports for management or outside agencies. • Administration and management of volunteers including recruitment, training, orientation, supervision and appreciation. • Assist and develop technical educational materials; brochures and power point presentations • Recommend new or revised program goals and objectives. Marketing and fundraising events and activities - Be an active role and member in annual scientific meeting of Egyptian Society of Women’s Health (women’s Imaging updated) 2015, 2016 - Manages and coordinates October events (breast health awareness activities) 2015 • Cook for the cure at Nile Four Seasons hotel to raise breast cancer awareness in Egypt. • LEAD 11th Annual Conference on Breast Cancer at AUC, event that aims to increase awareness about Breast Cancer and educate both men and women about early breast cancer prevention, detection and diagnosis, • Run for a cause • Your Health is our mission event At Gezira club, The event promotes Health and Fitness encouraging people to do Sports as a preventive medicine - Manages and coordinates events 2017 • “2nd Run for a cause” in collaboration with Giza Runners to raise breast cancer awareness in Egypt. • “Run to support her” in collaboration with Falcon Group International & Keep fit Runners to raise awareness and trigger action to end the global scourge of violence against women and girls. - Be an active role and member in annual Pink party event 2011-2105 - Be an active role and member in The Egypt Race for the Cure events 2009, 2010 • Manage and supervise PR and registration committee of the event • Plan and develop PR plan for the event and manage registration process of the event • Prepare or assist in preparation of proposal for funding and/or funding continuation from outside sponsors • Coordinate activities of event with inter-related activities of other programs, departments or staff to ensure optimum efficiency and compliance with appropriate policies, procedures and specifications. • Maintain and update sponsors mailing list and keep good relationship with them. • Support sponsors communication to achieve the annual target. November 2006 to November 2012: Program Assistant, The Breast Cancer Foundation of Egypt ( (BCFE is a non-profit organization concerned with breast cancer disease in Egypt) • Documentations and filing for all the projects • Schedule appointments with clients • Follow up calls with media representatives, clients, trainees, etc. • Assist in project implementation and trainings. • Provide service and assistance to the organizations’ clients. • Screen printing media to main the archive files up to date. Social Media & Website • Responsible for the Social Media (Facebook, Instgram); Making social media plan, posting, replying messages and comments. • Search and design pictures that matching the posts according to each monthly plan. In addition to design the photos for posts. • Event's marketing. • Set plans and mange the online ads, for events or other campaigns. • Coordinate the website performance, In addition to coordinate with the hosting company. • Developing and editing the inner pages content. • Updating website with the latest activities after editing pictures. COMPUTER SKILLS: Microsoft Office applications (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, Adobe Photoshop). LANGUAGE SKILLS: Arabic: Native English: Good TRAINING: March 2010 Breast Cancer project management, Course for The Cure, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, USAID Egypt January 2011 Community Health Educator Susan G. Komen for the Cure, USAID Egypt 23 October 2011 Breast Cancer Workshop for primary care physicians, world Health Organization & Gulf Fedration for Cancer Control.WHO Regional Office – Cairo,Egypt. 32-24 September 2018 the Access to Justice for Women Workshop, Embassy of Finland in Cairo [currency] => EGP [country_id] => EG [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-12-23 11:38:27 [last_login] => 2018-12-23 11:41:39 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [7] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 133 [organisation_name] => مؤسسة هاي تيك لتكنولوجيا المعلومات [description] => المؤسسة ليست قائمة ولكن بجهودكم وبتمويلكم سوف تكون قائمة ان شاء الله وسوف ارسل لكم صور للمؤسسة في حال تجهيزها بعد دعمكم [user_id] => 5061 [contact_name] => حسام أحمد [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => PS [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => ليست [branches] => 0 [employees] => 0 [clients] => 0 [notes] => سوف يتم املاء هذه الفراغات بعد انشاء المؤسسة لنها ليست قائمة [image] => 62fbe6e3ea8436e81282752f80823a90.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 5061 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => حسام [last_name] => الحاج أحمد [password] => f352893a5ad6ee9667f4b4890e98adbd069b9c29 [mobile] => 00970599244623 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => انا مواطن اعيش في غزة انهيت دراستي الجامعية "تكنولوجيا اتصالات ومعلومات" متزوج ولديا ثلاثة ابناء اسكن مع اسرتي في شقة صغيرة ليست ملكي لا اعمل لا يوجد دخل [currency] => EGP [country_id] => PS [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-12-30 17:10:58 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => PS [country] => Palestine [country_ar] => فلسطين [country_fr] => Territoires palestiniens ) ) [8] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 134 [organisation_name] => مركز التقنية [description] => مركز التقنية [user_id] => 5064 [contact_name] => MRABIH AYACH [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => MA [website] => [main_activity] => تقنية [start_year] => 2016 [branches] => 2016 [employees] => 10 [clients] => 5 [notes] => تقنية [image] => /yomken2/images/avatar.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 5064 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => mrabih [last_name] => ayach [password] => cdc71894fa23b4083abafe88ef156626704a7d03 [mobile] => 212654398911 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => لدي خبرة في مجال الحاسوب والانترنيت و حاصل على دبلوم في الحاسوب [currency] => EGP [country_id] => MA [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-12-31 16:17:54 [last_login] => 2020-03-28 12:33:33 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => MA [country] => Morocco [country_ar] => المغرب [country_fr] => Maroc ) ) [9] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 135 [organisation_name] => مؤسسة حيدرة للسلام والتنمية الإنسانية [description] =>   مؤسسة حيدرة للسلام والتنمية الإنسانية مؤسسة غير ربحية تأسست في مايو 2017م في الجمهورية اليمنية ، بموجب ترخيص وزارة الشؤون الاجتماعية والعمل رقم (24-م-2017م) ، تسْعَى للريادة في تحقيق التنمية البشرية بأشكالها لشرائح المجتمع خاصة المهمشة من خلال تنمية المهارات وتقديمها لخدمة المجتمع ونشر الثقافة القانونية لتوعية المواطن بحقوقه وواجباته فضلا عن تبني المشاريع الصغيرة لخدمة المجتمع وتحقيق استمرارية المؤسسة في أداء رسالتها عبرَ سلسلةٍ مِنَ البرامجِ والمشاريعِ القائمة على دراساتٍ مُحكًّمةٍ لتلبيةِ احتياجاتِ المجتمع والتنسيق في ذلك مع المؤسسات والمنظمات المحلية والدولية التي تسعى لتحقيق أهداف مماثلة [user_id] => 5007 [contact_name] => مؤسسة حيدرة [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => YE [website] => [main_activity] => خيري إنساني اغاثي وتدريب وتأهيل [start_year] => 2017 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 9 [clients] => 5 [notes] => [image] => 18b2aff29a819d9600de982dcec141b6.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 5007 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => سهير [last_name] => المعيضي [password] => a37b15bcb79f5f36c7f077a966bdbac36b783f8f [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => مؤسسة حيدرة للسلام والتنمية الإنسانية. .مؤسسة خيرية غير ربحية مقرها في صنعاء عاصمة الجمهورية اليمنية .. [currency] => EGP [country_id] => YE [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-12-14 21:57:50 [last_login] => 2018-12-31 21:56:02 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => YE [country] => Yemen [country_ar] => اليمن [country_fr] => Yémen ) ) [10] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 136 [organisation_name] => The Egyptian Countryside Development Company (ECDC) [description] => [user_id] => 5110 [contact_name] => Dr. Ahmed El Ezzaby [contact_email] => n/a [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => n/a [main_activity] => n/a [start_year] => 2019 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 0 [notes] =>


[image] => [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 5110 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => The Egyptian Countryside Development Company [last_name] => (ECDC) [password] => c4afd153e3607507008b5ee2b2bd9bd508681267 [mobile] => [balance] => 1.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2019-01-14 13:43:47 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [11] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 137 [organisation_name] => MAZADMODA Marketplace [description] => مزادموضة.كوم هو اول موقع الكتروني تم إنشائه للبيع جملة وتجزئة وربط المصنعيين والمستورديين بالتجار ومن ثم ربط التجار بالمستهلكيين لتحقيق انماجة للسوق داخل الموقع والتعامل بمجرد ضغطة كليك واحدة [user_id] => 5132 [contact_name] => Amr Badry [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => التجارة الالكترونية [start_year] => 2018 [branches] => 0 [employees] => 5 [clients] => 0 [notes] => [image] => a3f521e0e73eadd28f09876915f3aa5d.png [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 5132 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Amr Badry [last_name] => Ebied [password] => cc1d4102dee4ab7e810a8fd72a683e1c6f9f8796 [mobile] => 01100813330 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => EG [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2019-01-21 15:09:06 [last_login] => 2021-02-13 10:43:10 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [12] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 138 [organisation_name] => Region PACA [description] =>

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region

The region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur is a French administrative region from the south-east of the country. It is often referred to by the acronym PACA.

The region is situated next to Italy from which it is separated by the Southern Alps. Up north, there is the Rhônes-Alpes region and, to the west, the Rhône River, which indicates the border with the Languedoc-Roussillon region. The PACA region is bordered down south by the Mediterranean Sea.

The PACA region gathers six departments, formerly from the Ancien Régime provinces of Provence and Dauphiné. A part of the Vaucluse department is constituted by the annexation of the Comtat Venaissin during the revolutionary period, as well as for the Alpes-Maritimes region with the left bank of the Var River, which was the County of Nice annexed to France in 1860 during the Second Empire (the County of Nice was an old part of the duchy of Provence before 1388, when Nice devoted itself to Savoy). The logo of the Regional Council reminds all four regions, resuming their former prestige gathered under the same flag.


[user_id] => 5224 [contact_name] => Challenge PACA Climat [contact_email] => [primary_language] => fr [country_id] => FR [website] => [main_activity] => Government [start_year] => 1919 [branches] => 0 [employees] => 0 [clients] => 0 [notes] => [image] => 00a1ef727d98372541c64e68a8b6cbff.PNG [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 5224 [group_id] => 8 [email] => [first_name] => Region [last_name] => PACA [password] => 5791d899a30b998d8e5969d7e8016ae093f2dda9 [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => fr [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2019-02-07 19:18:08 [last_login] => 2019-02-22 11:11:31 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => FR [country] => France [country_ar] => فرنسا [country_fr] => France ) ) [13] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 139 [organisation_name] => البرق [description] => ستبرق الحياة مجداا في قلوب اطفالنا المصابين بالسرطان [user_id] => 5278 [contact_name] => Ammar tel [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => SY [website] => [main_activity] => مكافحة السرطان [start_year] => 2018 [branches] => 0 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1000 [notes] => المنظمة تسعى للحد من انتشار السرطان الخبيث فقط [image] => af0422ab4072c5f00eb3576244bcabac.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 5278 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Ammar [last_name] => Matr [password] => f0e83a92b582dc87eca9bd1504fec1a7413b3037 [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2019-02-16 02:09:01 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => SY [country] => Syria [country_ar] => سوريا [country_fr] => Syrie ) ) [14] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 140 [organisation_name] => Giza Systems Education Foundation [description] =>

Giza Systems Education Foundation (GSEF) is a civil educational non-profit foundation aiming to serve the Egyptian society through combating ignorance and poverty in the most marginalized areas in the country through the use of technology.

[user_id] => 5286 [contact_name] => Mohamed Hossary [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 2013 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => aa5973d2dd32a9e975c6e4314a53474d.jpg [type] => Others ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 5286 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Giza Systems [last_name] => Education Foundation [password] => c03e367b11196edb01664a26a2bd015c7e92eff1 [mobile] => [balance] => 1.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => EG [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2019-02-17 16:21:45 [last_login] => 2019-03-20 16:49:00 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [15] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 141 [organisation_name] => GIZ IPSP [description] =>

The Improvement of Public Services Project (IPSP) is one of the GIZ projects implemented in Egypt with the aim to improve the Egyptian government’s efforts towards decentralization and reforming its public administration.
The project approach is designed to improve service delivery at the local level by strengthening subnational administrative structures and launching or redeveloping Citizens’ Service Centers (CSCs). IPSP’s interventions in improving public services encounter several challenges/problems (often of systemic nature) that require innovative out-of-the-box solutions.

[user_id] => 5300 [contact_name] => Ahmed Fahmy [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => 656d854e02d86394f100d1785822b2eb.PNG [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 5300 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => GIZ [last_name] => IPSP [password] => c03e367b11196edb01664a26a2bd015c7e92eff1 [mobile] => [balance] => 1.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2019-02-20 16:43:11 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [16] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 142 [organisation_name] => CAR SOS [description] => مركزي لصيانة وتعديل السيارات بما يناسب كل شخص ليشعر دائما أن سيراتة صنعت خصيصا من أجلة [user_id] => 5317 [contact_name] => CAR SOS [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => car , automotive [start_year] => 2018 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 2 [clients] => [notes] => أعمل فقط أنا ووالدي ,اتتطلع للتطور أنا ووالدي [image] => /yomken2/images/avatar.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 5317 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Ahmed [last_name] => elshabka [password] => 22e19310173e4852f064e3bca0c8e81c6fe76194 [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2019-02-23 12:38:31 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [17] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 143 [organisation_name] => Wire Art [description] => [user_id] => 5396 [contact_name] => N/A [contact_email] => N/A [primary_language] => en [country_id] => JO [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] =>


[image] => 659dbb90ae2e72278134d10d500a2850.png [type] => Others ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 5396 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Wire [last_name] => Art [password] => c03e367b11196edb01664a26a2bd015c7e92eff1 [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2019-03-17 18:30:25 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => JO [country] => Jordan [country_ar] => الأردن [country_fr] => Jordanie ) ) [18] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 145 [organisation_name] => Nitrous Project [description] =>

Project Nitrous aims at using digital fabrication technology to address the unique day-to-day needs of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs). Nitrous is a joint initiative between Giza Systems Education Foundation and supported by Drosos Foundation.

[user_id] => 5418 [contact_name] => Mohamed Hossary [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 2018 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => 1996ca80352ecd435de68963fe299fb0.jpg [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 5418 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Nitrous [last_name] => Project [password] => c03e367b11196edb01664a26a2bd015c7e92eff1 [mobile] => [balance] => 1.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2019-03-20 16:58:35 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [19] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 146 [organisation_name] => Development Gate International [description] => Development Gate International mission is to participate in improving the human condition by turning knowledge into practice and actions. And to be of the world's leading independent development services companies, recognized for solving critical social and scientific problems in Education, Health, Poverty, Unemployment, and Women Empowerment. [user_id] => 5654 [contact_name] => محمود البابلى [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => حلول تكنولوجيه - ابحاث فى مجال التنمية - خدمات تعليمية [start_year] => 2019 [branches] => 0 [employees] => 5 [clients] => 2 [notes] => [image] => 6372566f18e4ccebd01c099d1c6454af.png [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 5654 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Mahmoud [last_name] => Elbably [password] => 28df6955acba957334f17a0f96e2dceff2252402 [mobile] => 01066684916 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => EG [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2019-04-26 21:30:21 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) )



Baheya Foundation For Breast Cancer Treatment




Nano 4life




Boody car keeping


الجمعية المصرية لصحة المرأة


مؤسسة هاي تيك لتكنولوجيا المعلومات


مركز التقنية


مؤسسة حيدرة للسلام والتنمية الإنسانية


The Egyptian Countryside Development Company (ECDC)


MAZADMODA Marketplace


Region PACA




Giza Systems Education Foundation






Wire Art


Nitrous Project


Development Gate International


Page 7 of 11, showing 20 records out of 211 total


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