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RIBH MENA is the GIZ focal point for responsible and inclusive business based at icecairo. It powers a paradigm shift towards sustainable development in the Middle East and North Africa.
As its sister hubs in other world regions, RIBH MENA provides information on and raises awareness about Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusive Business. Beyond this we assist the private sector with skills and business model development as well as networking support around CSR and IB.
What is Inclusive Business?
Inclusive Business means business models that include disadvantaged segments of society as consumers or producers into existing or new value chains. By tapping into these dormant business potentials, companies can grow and innovate while at the same time having a positive impact on economic and social development in their countries of operation.
Know all about what we offer and do at RIBH MENA. For better resolution, --- RIBH MENA is the GIZ responsible and inclusive business hub based at icecairo. It powers a paradigm shift towards sustainable development in the Middle East and North Africa. As its sister hubs in other world regions, RIBH MENA provides information on and raises awareness about Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusive Business. Beyond this we assist the private sector with skills and business model development as well as networking support around CSR and IB.
[user_id] => 1899 [contact_name] => Hoda Mahmoud [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 2 [employees] => [clients] => [notes] => [image] => 201389411634e3ef6d813dd186fee49a.png [type] => Others ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1899 [group_id] => 3 [email] => [first_name] => GIZ [last_name] => RIBH [password] => 54aff69c36c39f5fda9aa5d03701b44dc2202233 [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2016-10-03 00:58:49 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => [country] => [country_ar] => [country_fr] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 47 [organisation_name] => يوروماتركس7 الدولية للتنمية الحضرية البيئية [description] => شركة يوروماتركس 7 الدولية للتنمية الحضرية البيئية أول شركة عربية تؤسس في قلب أوربا وتجمع الخبرات العربية مع الخبرات والتكنولوجيات الأوربية ، وتسعى إلى أن تكون أكبر شركة بيئية متخصصة في العالم. تعمل الشركة في اتجاهين ، الأول: وهو مجال الأعمال الاستشارية (الدراسات والبحوث البيئية في مجالات البيئة المختلفة مثل التلوث ومعالجته ، ودراسات تقييم الأثر البيئي ، والطاقة الجديدة والمتجددة ، إدارة النفايات البلدية والصناعية والطبية والخطرة ، الاتفاقيات والمعاهدات البيئية الدولية ، الدراسات الاجتماعية البيئة وهندسة السلوك البشري) ، والثاني: المجال التنفيذي (التدريب ، وإنشاء وتجهيز وإدارة المختبرات البيئية ، ومحطات معالجة النفايات والمخلفات الصلبة والسائلة ، تنظيم وإدارة المؤتمرات والمعارض ، التدريب والتأهيل) [user_id] => 1938 [contact_name] => المستشار المهندس / خليل علي [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => DE [website] => [main_activity] => التنمية الحضرية البيئية والعمارة الخضراء ومعالجة التلوث وإدارة المخلفات [start_year] => 2015 [branches] => 2 [employees] => 12 [clients] => 3 [notes] => الشركة في بداية العمل وتحتاج إلى تمويل أو مشاركة [image] => /yomken2/images/avatar.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1938 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => خليل [last_name] => علي [password] => 7c6a6492632183fcf843ccea7dd9ef303879d07c [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2016-10-11 19:36:13 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => DE [country] => Germany [country_ar] => ألمانيا [country_fr] => Allemagne ) ) [3] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 48 [organisation_name] => Vivex Engineering Ltd [description] => Environmentl activities [user_id] => 1941 [contact_name] => Aldo Mango [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => GB [website] => [main_activity] => AIr, Water, Sol and waste treatment [start_year] => 2004 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 10 [clients] => [notes] => [image] => 95d351fe4982ee26e091c6378bdc50ae.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1941 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Vivex [last_name] => Engineering TN [password] => 871f324a3d31a0db4c245c6c2c2fad1e18c990b9 [mobile] => +21652758703 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => Engineer Environmental Field / Air, Water, Sol, Waste Treatment [currency] => EGP [country_id] => TN [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2016-10-12 19:13:53 [last_login] => 2016-10-12 19:44:51 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => GB [country] => United Kingdom [country_ar] => المملكة المتحدة [country_fr] => Royaume-Uni ) ) [4] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 49 [organisation_name] => IESS [description] =>IESS ! Initiatives d’Emploi en Economie Sociale et Solidaire pour la création d’emploi à travers l’ESS en Tunisie (ENPI/2014/344-995)
Propulsé par un consortium de structures méditerranéennes de la société civile mais aussi publiques et privées, IESS a pour esprit de favoriser la création d’emplois décents et durables en Tunisie à travers l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire dans les gouvernorats de Kasserine, Jendouba, Sidi Bouzid et Mahdia.
Pourquoi l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire (ESS)?
L’économie sociale et solidaire favorise des initiatives collectives et de démocratie participative. Impliquant associations, coopératives, mutuelles, groupements économiques, producteurs/trices, entrepreneurs/euses, autorités locales, elle est à ce jour un vecteur primordial de développement local.
L’économie sociale et solidaire offre l’alternative d’une économie locale, collective, responsable et citoyenne, respectueuse des personnes et des ressources, créant de la valeur économique et sociale sur les territoires. Elle offre ainsi une réponse aux défis de création d’emploi et de cohésion sociale.
Le projet IESS
• IESS veut raviver l’esprit entrepreneurial et d’auto-organisation chez les jeunes et les femmes au chômage ou actifs dans l’informel, susciter leur intérêt pour l’innovation socio-économique et favoriser la création de projets d’ESS durables valorisant les marchés locaux, les richesses du territoire et facilitant la création de services de proximité répondants aux besoins des régions de Kasserine, Jendouba, Sidi Bouzid et Mahdia.
• IESS vise à la mise en place d’un écosystème d’accompagnement et de financement régional favorable au développement de cette ESS. Pour cela le projet mobilise ressources et expertises afin de renforcer les services existants de formation à la création d’entreprise, d’accompagnement et d’incubation et d’intermédiation financière pour mettre à disposition des entrepreneurs de l’ESS, sur leurs territoires, des services adaptés.
Objectif général
Favoriser l’emploi à travers le développement de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire (ESS), source de cohésion sociale, en privilégiant les régions défavorisées de Tunisie.
Objectif spécifique
Créer des emplois durables pour les jeunes et les femmes par la création et le renforcement d’entreprises viables d’ESS dans les Gouvernorats de Jendouba, Kasserine, Sidi Bouzid, Mahdia.
Groupe cible
• 2000 individus – jeunes et femmes au chômage, jeunes diplômé(e)s et travailleurs/euses de l’économie informelle,
• dont des groupements informels à vocation économique, associations de la société civile et entreprises d’ESS existants,
• 40 institutions publiques, privées, associations d’appui et entités de formation
Axes d’intervention du projet
The Anzisha Prize seeks to award young entrepreneurs who have developed and implemented innovative solutions to social challenges or started successful businesses within their communities. 12 finalists from across Africa will win an all-expenses paid trip to South Africa to be a part of a week-long entrepreneurship workshop and conference at the African Leadership Academy campus on the outskirts of Johannesburg. The grand prize winners, selected from these finalists, will share prizes worth $75,000 USD.
It’s called the #AnzishaEffect, and it is the power of these amazing stories to encourage others to follow in the footsteps of the Anzisha Fellows. Africa needs strong, innovative entrepreneurial young leaders to create jobs, solve problems and drive our economies. Our continent’s future will be determined by entrepreneurial leaders across all sectors. We believe fundamentally in the power of youth-led change.
Anzisha Fellows are supported for life as part of African Leadership Academy’s approach to youth development. Winning the prize is just the first step. Thereafter, mentorship, consulting and community gatherings become part of the fellow experience in the years that follow as you and your venture grow from strength the strength. The Anzisha Fellow program will help you become the best you can be!
The Anzisha Prize network is growing each year, with more fellows, partners, mentors and friends. We believe this truly unique, pan-African network of highly ambitious, driven entrepreneurs from all sectors will become a powerful force driving economic and social prosperity across the continent.
[user_id] => 1971 [contact_name] => Anzisha [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => ZA [website] => [main_activity] => Supporting young African entrepreneurs [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => 03910a0a978b44d3bdc9cb5615f15df3.png [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1971 [group_id] => 3 [email] => [first_name] => Anzisha [last_name] => Prize [password] => 7a96d4f83067b7f9f56f21bc10a3305f445e1547 [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2016-10-30 23:39:29 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => ZA [country] => South Africa [country_ar] => جنوب أفريقيا [country_fr] => Afrique du Sud ) ) [6] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 51 [organisation_name] => Acacias for All [description] =>Acacias for All is a reforestation program planting trees with high economic and environemental values among rural women in the most disadvantaged regions of Tunisia and affected by desertifcation and pauverty in order to offer a global and sustainable solution to climate change issues. Acacias for all adresses 3 main issues : - 80% of Tunisian lands are touched by desertification - 25% of population lives under soil of poverty, most of them are women - 30% of unemployement, specially for young graduates of rural areas.
Our Solution : planting high environemental value trees to restore desertified lands, in partnership with poor women from rural areas who will get financial incomes from the trees productions sell, employing young graduates from the same areas in our offices for communication, business development, seek and development, agroforestry engeenering...
We give an answer to climate change that severely affect rural population who used to be farmers and are becoming poorer, and to poverty and unemployement in these areas. Working with women, we strenghen women rights and gender equality. To finance our tree planting actions and developement, we work with CSR programs of companies in Tunisia and Europe and philantropic funders.
[user_id] => 1977 [contact_name] => Sarah Toumi [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => TN [website] => [main_activity] => Agriculture [start_year] => 2012 [branches] => 2 [employees] => 2 [clients] => 2 [notes] => [image] => ff3d98622d86d3501c06eed49d2edf91.png [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1977 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Sarah [last_name] => Toumi [password] => c03e367b11196edb01664a26a2bd015c7e92eff1 [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2016-11-02 15:24:29 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => TN [country] => Tunisia [country_ar] => تونس [country_fr] => Tunisie ) ) [7] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 52 [organisation_name] => F/B [description] => الجهاز مكون من جزأين رئيسيان وهما اللوح و البدلة الذكية سهله الاستخدام وتتميز بسهوله الارتداء وذلك بسبب تصميم اجزاء منها مثل منطقه الصدر والقدمين و الخوذة متصلة مع الجزء الاخر من الابتكار وستكون طريقه ارتداء البدلة بوضع القدمين في المكان المخصص لهما ومن ثما انزال اليدين لي سحب المقبض لمستوى الصدر وادخال اليدين داخل المكان المخصص لهما بشكل عامودي ثم لفهما بشكل جانبي لاتصال الجزء الخلفي و ارتفاع الخوذة من خلف البدلة بشكل عامودي لتغلق بنزول الجزء الاعلى اولا ومن ثم الجوانب كما ان البدلة مجهزه بجهاز كشف بياني يعمل على قياس مستوى الوقود وارتفاع الشخص للتأكد من عدم صعود الشخص الى ارتفعات خطرة وتحذيره عند انخفاض الوقود اما اللوح مكون من ثلاثة محركات نفاثه متصلة, اثنان في الجانبان وواحد اوسط وهواء الرئيسي اما المحركان الأخران يعملان على رفع وخفض الشخص وذلك عن طريق حركتهما بدرجه 360 راسيه وبداخل كل من المحركات الثلاثة مراوح في القسم البارد من المحرك لإعادة تكرير طاقة الرياح لخفض استهلاك الوقود وايضا اللوح سهل التخزين ويتم تخزيه مع البدلة ولا يمكن استعمال اللوح دون البدلة وذلك لن البدلة مصممه لتكون مفتاح التشغيل . [user_id] => 2057 [contact_name] => F/B [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => SA [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => [branches] => 0 [employees] => 4 [clients] => 3 [notes] => الجهاز مصمم للدفاع المدني والاسعاف لتسهيل الوصول لى اماكن الازمات [image] => /yomken2/images/avatar.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 2057 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => charif [last_name] => B [password] => 9f5f71c491925ef0b1efd2d07247b9182e140339 [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => طالب جامعي [currency] => EGP [country_id] => SA [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2016-11-23 22:56:35 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => SA [country] => Saudi Arabia [country_ar] => المملكة العربية السعودية [country_fr] => Arabie saoudite ) ) [8] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 53 [organisation_name] => جمعية الهواء والنور التنموية الزراعية [description] => تأسست جمعية الهواء والنور التنموية الزراعية في العام 2003 استجابة لظروف المزارعين الاجتماعية والاقتصادية الهشة في تلك الفترة والتي اتصفت بهشاشة الوضع الاقتصادي والاجتماعي للمزارعين بسبب سياسات الاحتلال في مصادرة الأرض والمياه وإغلاق المعابر والحصار المحكم على قطاع غزة لتضر بمصالح المزارعين والنساء الريفيات والشباب الفلسطيني. تأسست جمعية الهواء والنور التنموية الزراعية كمؤسسة أهلية من قبل مجموعة متطوعين وحملة شهادات بتخصصات مختلفة أهمها الهندسة الزراعية وتليها العلوم والحقوق تم المحاسبة، تمحورت أولويات المؤسسة في مرحلة البداية في إطار سياسة مقاومة إجراءات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي لتهميش الزراعة وتدمير البنية التحتية للزراعة الفلسطينية لتعزيز صمود المزارع والمرأة الريفية، وقد اعتمدت المؤسسة في مرحلتها الأولى على كوادر متطوعة بشكل كامل إضافة إلى تشكيل لجان زراعية في مناطق مختلفة من قطاع غزة بهدف تحديد أولويات المزارعين ومساعدة المؤسسة في تنفيذ أنشطتها المجتمعية. [user_id] => 2094 [contact_name] => الهواء والنور التنموية [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => PS [website] => [main_activity] => الزراعي [start_year] => 2006 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 3 [clients] => 3 [notes] => [image] => /yomken2/images/avatar.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 2094 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => seraj [last_name] => latifa [password] => c9ca53ce628b92fab7d06911df127dd664e6297d [mobile] => 972599172233 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => I Siraj Abu Latifa told the age of 31 years married and have two children, the children do an executive director for a charity in the Gaza Strip this Assembly is working on poor families serve as well as poor children and help families affected by the war in the Gaza Strip have this work experience 10 years ago through work with several international and local institutions in the wars adore this relief and development work to help the needy. Edit Profile [currency] => EGP [country_id] => PS [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2016-12-01 19:58:38 [last_login] => 2016-12-01 19:58:39 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => PS [country] => Palestine [country_ar] => فلسطين [country_fr] => Territoires palestiniens ) ) [9] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 54 [organisation_name] => FEDA [description] =>انطلقت فكرة تأسيس شبكة من الجهات العاملة في مجال تنمية المشرعات الصغيرة من مدينة بورسعيد من خلال جمعية الصناعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة حيث وجدت الجمعية ان هناك الكثير من العقبات التي تواجه اعضائها اصحاب المشروعات الصغيرة معوقات في الأراضي ومعوقات في التراخيص وفى التمويل وفى التسويق وكلها معوقات متشابهة في معظم المحافظات في بورسعيد والاسماعلية والمنيا والاسكندرية وكفر الشيخ والعاشر من رمضان والسادس من اكتوبر وشمال سيناء كان تجميع هذه الجمعيات في صوره اتحاد يعبر بقوة عن هذه المشاكل هو البداية.
وبالتعاون مع مؤسسة فريد ريش ايبرت في فبراير 2001 جمع ممثلي 13 جمعية في 13 محافظة ومنطقة صناعية وهم :-
1- جمعية تنمية الصناعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة بورسعيد
2- جمعية رعاية وتطوير الصناعات الصغيرة العاشر من رمضان
3- جمعية تنمية الصناعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة شمال سيناء
4- جمعية تنمية الصناعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة القنطرة شرق
5- الجمعية المصرية للمستثمرين وأصحاب الأعمال الدقهلية
6- جمعية رجال أعمال المنيا المنيا
7- جمعية رجال الأعمال لتنمية المكينة الزراعية الجيزة
8- جمعية رجال الأعمال الدقهلية الدقهلية
9- جمعية سيدات أعمال الإسكندرية الإسكندرية
10- جمعية سيدات أعمال كفر الشيـخ كفر الشيخ
11- جمعية سيدات أعمال مصر 21 القاهرة
12- جمعية سيدات أعمال الدقهلية الدقهلية
13- جمعية تطوير صناعات الأثاث دمياط
ولقد وجد المؤسسون ان انسب صوره لتجميع هذه الشبكة في اتحاد هو ان يكون اتحاد نوعى متخصص في التنمية الاقتصادية ولم يكن هناك
بالفعل الا اتحاد نوعى واحد لم يؤسسه احد هو اتحاد جمعيات التنمية الاقتصادية فتم اعلان تأسيس الاتحاد بالقرار رقم 70 لسنه 2001
وبعد ذلك يزداد عدد اعضاء الاتحاد كالآتى:-
1- 2001 عدد الجمعيات 13
2- 2003 عدد الجمعيات 34
3- 2005 عدد الجمعيات 71
4- 2007 عدد الجمعيات 101
5- 2009 عدد الجمعيات 120
[user_id] => 2174 [contact_name] => FEDA [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => SMEs support [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 4 [clients] => 2 [notes] => [image] => 1b127dbd4ef051d431707f1f25f948db.png [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 2174 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => FEDA [last_name] => Association [password] => 7a96d4f83067b7f9f56f21bc10a3305f445e1547 [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2016-12-31 16:16:20 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [10] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 55 [organisation_name] => GIZ LMAP [description] =>Title: Labour Market Access Programme
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Country: Egypt
Overall term: 2015 to 2020
Decent and fair employment and career opportunities are vital to a stable socio-political environment as well as for economic prosperity and stability. That is why youth unemployment and the dearth of occupational prospects are among Egypt’s most pressing problems. According to Egypt’s official statistical agency, in the first quarter of 2014 the unemployment rate reached 13.4 per cent, its highest level for ten years. At the same time, companies in all sectors have difficulty finding employees and filling vacancies. The problem is particularly acute in the non-academic or blue-collar segment, where a great number of jobs are offered. Neither large companies nor small and medium-sized enterprises are currently in a position to offer employment that is attractive in terms of remuneration, working conditions and employee relations.
The employment situation for young Egyptians is improved.
The programme is designed to facilitate access for young people to the labour market. Its main focus is on developing the employment potential for positions that are currently vacant and future demand for workers in the non-academic segment of the labour market.
These potentials can be unlocked by developing and expanding services geared to job preparation and placement, and by improving the quality of jobs in small and medium-sized enterprises.
The programme provides advisory services and support in the following specific areas:
Since the launch of the programme in January 2015, around 2,080 young people have taken part in job preparation measures; employment has already been found for over 1,800 jobseekers. Each month more than 130 additional young people can be placed (as at March 2016).
Guest house "Hadouta Masreya" or "An Egyptian tale" is tucked into the golden sand dunes that roll down and form the west bank of the Nile and is located at the heart of Naj’ Gharb Soheil overlooking the Nile. You will wake up to spectacular views where the Nile is tranquil blue, disturbed only by the whizzing speedboats and meandering feluccas that ply its waters since antiquity and spend your evenings chilling on our sky roof under clear skies ornamented with bright stars .
We cater for different needs/budgets by providing ten different rooms with ensuite and shared bathrooms, single & double beds and also accommodate for families in our triple and quadruple rooms.
At Hadouta Masreya, you will have an unmatched experience of relaxation, fun and simplicity all in style!
[user_id] => 2623 [contact_name] => Hadouta Masreya [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => . [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 10 [clients] => 0 [notes] => [image] => 5fcdaf3aa9a8dc25c95880ae1c274a66.gif [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 2623 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Hadouta [last_name] => Masreya [password] => 5ba039665d85db9bbf46c6e858f4c476d75a6907 [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2017-05-02 17:55:24 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [17] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 62 [organisation_name] => Explore The River Nile [description] =>N/a
[user_id] => 1 [contact_name] => N/a [contact_email] => N/a [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => n/a [main_activity] => n/a [start_year] => 2017 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] =>n/a
[image] => [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1 [group_id] => 1 [email] => [first_name] => Admin [last_name] => Yomken [password] => 5ba039665d85db9bbf46c6e858f4c476d75a6907 [mobile] => 01000 [balance] => 50.50 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => EG [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => [last_login] => 2025-01-03 14:39:49 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [18] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 63 [organisation_name] => Explore The River Nile [description] =>Explore the river nile arranges nile cruises if you are looking for a place where you can relax, practice yoga, go on safar, fishing, swimming, sailing, playing drums...all you want you can have!
[user_id] => 2625 [contact_name] => Explore The River Nile [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => Tourism [start_year] => 2013 [branches] => 1 [employees] => [clients] => [notes] => [image] => 4bb76b6581e7aea87e5752c54f8a2071.jpg [type] => Others ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 2625 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Explore [last_name] => The River Nile [password] => 7a96d4f83067b7f9f56f21bc10a3305f445e1547 [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2017-05-03 23:08:35 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [19] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 64 [organisation_name] => جمعية فكر جديد [description] => [user_id] => 2637 [contact_name] => محمود [contact_email] => [primary_language] => [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => التنظيم والادارة [start_year] => 2017 [branches] => 0 [employees] => 3 [clients] => [notes] => [image] => /yomken2/images/avatar.jpg [type] => ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 2637 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => محمود [last_name] => السنطي [password] => 22d71a35478abb94b242d04970909e1414862a17 [mobile] => 01101277949 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => المدير التنفيذي بجمعية بناء إنسان للتنمية المستدامة [currency] => EGP [country_id] => EG [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2017-05-08 23:41:49 [last_login] => 2022-10-10 01:24:29 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) )Page 3 of 11, showing 20 records out of 211 total
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