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Array ( [0] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 24 [organisation_name] => EGYCOM [description] =>EGYCOM and its members are ambassadors of the severely marganalized, we mean the local resources and raw materials, as well as all wasted human energies in our beloved country Egypt that are not well utilized and developed. We are ready to go everywhere to explore and rediscover new capacities, potentials and ways of utilization for these neglected local resources and raw materials in order to bring them back to national grace in modern Egypt. In doing that we honor God’s creatures and reveal God’s embedded powers within His creation and help our brothers and sisters in local communities throughout Egypt rediscover their latent capabilities in productive work, cultural revival and technological innovation. As such EGYCOM and its members are missionaries of people’s enlightenment and development everywhere. In order to achieve our mission that is focused on endogenous development, we have to go to people everywhere in Egypt with open hearts and minds and with a sensitive imagination trained to listen to the whispers of the poor and marginalized in order to read the depths of their souls and sympathize with the pulses of their innovation. Thus, we work out with them the future code of our new Egypt.
[user_id] => 1240 [contact_name] => EGYCOM [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => Project improvement based on local neglected resources and the utilization of these resources. Introducing new technologies and training to villagers on how to utilize these technologies including machinery and equipment. [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => Untitled_2.png [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1240 [group_id] => 3 [email] => [first_name] => EGYCOM [last_name] => Association [password] => 7a96d4f83067b7f9f56f21bc10a3305f445e1547 [mobile] => 010-910-3131 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [1] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 25 [organisation_name] => Badr Eltawayel Association [description] =>Badr Eltawayel Association does diffferent activity in Sohag such as training courses, awareness events and seminars.
[user_id] => 1234 [contact_name] => Badr Eltawayel Association [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1234 [group_id] => 3 [email] => [first_name] => Badr ElTawayel [last_name] => Association [password] => 7a96d4f83067b7f9f56f21bc10a3305f445e1547 [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [2] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 26 [organisation_name] => Women’s Health Improvement in Port Said Association [description] =>النشاط الفعلي
مشغل: لتدريب السيدات والفتيات على أعمال الخياطة والتطريز و التريكو.
حضانة: لخدمة أطفال الحي والأحياء المجاروة.
حضانة إيوائية: من سن الميلاد حتى أقل من سن 6 سنوات.
حضانة إيوائية: لخدمة أبناء مرضي الدرن والضالين.
حضانة البيبي هوم: وتقبل الدار الأطفال من سن سنتين حتى سن أربع سنوات ومن أربع سنوات استضافة وتسع الدار 100 طفل
دار للمغتربات
مؤسسة إيوائية: وتقبل الأبناء (بنين وبنات) من سن 6 سنوات و المحرومين من الرعاية الأسرية وتوفر الرعاية الكاملة لهم.
مساعدة مرضى الدرن: وأسرهم بمساعدات مالية شهرية وصرف المساعدات المالية الشهرية وصرف المساعدات العينية لهم في الأعياد والمناسبات الدينية والاجتماعية
مكتبة ونادي الطفل: لخدمة أبناء المؤسسة والحضانة الإيوائية والخاصة والنادي مزود بكل الإمكانيات التي تساعد على تنمية قدرات الأبناء وإكسابهم المهارات وفنون الموسيقى
نادي تكنولوجيا المعلومات: به 12 جهاز كمبيوتر وشبكة للإنترنت- لتدريب الشباب على الحاسب الآلي والتدريب التحويلي للخريجين
[user_id] => 1244 [contact_name] => أ/ اقبال سرور [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => 3bd17a04367182382251f62f3b20e02f.jpg [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1244 [group_id] => 3 [email] => [first_name] => WHI in Port Said [last_name] => Association [password] => 7a96d4f83067b7f9f56f21bc10a3305f445e1547 [mobile] => [balance] => 1.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [3] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 27 [organisation_name] => PwC [description] =>PwC in Egypt, with over 300 partners and staff, is an integral part of the PwC's growing network in the Middle East region. The firm combines in-depth knowledge of the Egyptian economy, tax regulations, local business standards and customs with extensive coverage, breadth of resources, and quality assurance.
Being part of a worldside network enables us to combine a coherent global vision with robust local identity.
Our vision
We choose to build on our years of success and fulfill an inspiring future vision to be "The business advisory firm of choice."
Our strategy
To achieve our vision by building trust, and enhancing value for our clients and their stakeholders, while setting high standards for the conduct of business and leading our profession. We strive to be the professional advisors that help clients solve complex business problems. We aim to enhance their ability to build value, manage risk, and improve performance in today's fast-changing, complex and challenging business climate.
[user_id] => 1277 [contact_name] => PwC [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => NEW_PwC_Logo_CMYK_01.jpg [type] => Others ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1277 [group_id] => 3 [email] => [first_name] => PwC [last_name] => Association [password] => 7a96d4f83067b7f9f56f21bc10a3305f445e1547 [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [4] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 28 [organisation_name] => YOU UNIQUE [description] =>مؤسسة تقوم بإنتاج أفلام 2D&3D تعليمية وتثقيفية للكار والصغار ومحاكاة سوق العمل وتعليم الأفراد مواضيع وليست معلومة تنسي بنهاية الامتحنات ونشر محتوي تعليمي متاح للجميع مجاني..حيث أن الافراد يتأثرون بذلك النوع من الأفلام
[user_id] => 1335 [contact_name] => عبدالرحمن خالد [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => 3D&2D FILM [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 5 [clients] => [notes] =>نحن فريق في البداية نسعي لعمل فكرة جديدة علي أرض الواقع
[image] => بيت.jpg [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1335 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => AabdEelrahman [last_name] => khaled [password] => 9409028054368610bd487721ee90fd4e95e7bfb0 [mobile] => 01152086634 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => فريق ( أنت أمة) فريق من المصممين يقومون بإنشاء فيديوهات تعليمية بطريقة ال3D ,& 2D ونشرها مجانا لتعليم الطلبة وتثقيفهم ومحاكاة سوق العمل [currency] => EGP [country_id] => EG [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => القاهرة [address_2] => [city] => حلوان [zip] => [state] => القاهرة [old] => 0 [signup_date] => [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [5] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 29 [organisation_name] => RsCPS Corp. [description] =>Simply, RsCPS is an Industrial Educational Corporation. It's major aim is to build generations have the ability to solve and face all odds and challenges of the coming future.
[user_id] => 1378 [contact_name] => Ahmed Fayyad [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => Education [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 0 [employees] => 4 [clients] => 0 [notes] => [image] => logo.png [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1378 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Ahmed [last_name] => Fayyad [password] => d2084bf1ddd056ded41a1a8858457c500dbabe9c [mobile] => +201116193234 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => Ahmed Fayyad is a Microsoft .NET Web Application Developer. He has a specific Mission & Vision. Humanity Service In various areas of Technology is the most prestigious goal in my Life. Motivated and innovated Person. [currency] => EGP [country_id] => EG [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [6] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 30 [organisation_name] => Society Development Association [description] =>An NGO created with the ideal of helping the people of Sohag develop and improve for the better, so we can improve our future and make it better for future generations.
[user_id] => 1389 [contact_name] => Society Development Association [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => 1478966_534302040011048_510774853_n-0.jpg [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1389 [group_id] => 3 [email] => [first_name] => Society Development [last_name] => Association [password] => 7a96d4f83067b7f9f56f21bc10a3305f445e1547 [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [7] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 31 [organisation_name] => مصنع نصارتك للصناعات الالكترونيه [description] =>تأسس مصنع نصارتك للصناعات الالكترونيه سنة 2004 لتلبية احتياجات السوق المصري من الدوائر الالكترونية المطبوعة ( PCB ) ذات الجوده و السعر المنافس و حيث ان سياستنا ارضاء العميل و كسب ثقته فقد وفرنا الاتى : رسم و تصميم كافة الدوائر الالكترونية حسب طلب العميل ( أحادية الوجه – ثنائية الوجه ) باحدث برامج الرسم و المحاكاة للدوائر الالكترونية مع تسليم كافة الافلام الخاصة بعملية التصنيع . تصنيع و انتاج الدوائر الالكترونية المطبوعة بجوده عالية و سعر منافس مع الالتزام بمواعيد التسليم قبول طلبات التصنيع بدون حد ادنى ( ابتداءً من كارت مطبوع واحد ) و بنفس السعر للسنتيمتر المربع . تجميع الكروت الالكترونية ( DIP – SMT ) بسعر منافس . اعادة تصنيع الكروت الالكترونية التالفة باستخدام الهندسة العكسية مع امكانية التعديل عليها على حسب طلب العميل
[user_id] => 1327 [contact_name] => أيمن سلامه عبد الحكيم لبيب [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => الصناعات الالكترونيه [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 9 [clients] => 260 [notes] => [image] => /yomken2/images/avatar.jpg [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1327 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Ayman [last_name] => Salama [password] => dc838566a61340d1f41f6413b7e02850d392cd6c [mobile] => 01222892793 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => بكالوريوس هندسه الاتصالات و الالكترونيات – جامعة حلوان 2002 حاصل على دبلومه في التسويق الاستراتيجي السجل الوظيفي : 1- الشركه الدوليه للصناعات الالكترونيه ( 2001 – 2004 ) ( مهندس تصميمات الكترونيه ) القيام بتصميم و تطوير الدوائر الالكترونيه الخاصة - اجراء الاختبارات المعمليه للمنتجات الجديده و اجراء التعديلات اللازمه عليها 2- 2- شركة طرباي مصر للاكترونيات المتقدمه ( 2004 – 2008 ) ( مدير الادارة الهندسيه ) تصميم و تنفيذ الشبكات الامنيه اللاسلكيه و الدوائر التلفزيونيه المغلقه - تصميم و تطوير انظمة المحاكاه الالكترونيه - استخدام الهندسه العكسيه في انتاج قطع الغيار المستورده الباهظه الثمن و اضافه ما يلزم من التعديلات عليها . * تصميم و تنفيذ الانظمه الالكترونيه على حسب طلب العميل و ايجاد الحلول الالكترونيه لأي مشكله لديه . مصنع نصارتك للصناعت الالكترونيه ( 2008 – حتى الان ) ( مدير المصنع ) تطوير و تحديث المنتجات المختلفه للمصنع و ابتكار منتجات جديده و متطوره - اعداد الخطة التسويقيه و الدعائيه للمنتجات القائمه و الجديده [currency] => EGP [country_id] => EG [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => 67 شارع خالد بن الوليد [address_2] => [city] => حلوان [zip] => 11421 [state] => القاهره [old] => 0 [signup_date] => [last_login] => 2018-08-26 17:56:04 [fb_access_token] => EAACSseCJ8Y8BAEJhNrCH49Sx7wt2uZBwnWVDXEVrg5POYbQds0ZBg6aLhCWGNjAXxAX52KjPOgH5Ym25DFR1h019oeJ4V5nUSlMSK6rH5u5MsNOdkAj5ga1ZAeEvh4tEzlj16G5LqIVsSwSkBogICXQm3F1R4006O6a1LFVZAgZDZD ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [8] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 32 [organisation_name] => Anonymous Company [description] =>This company has prefered to keep its identity confidential and only to be disclosed to the solvers until the campaign has reached its deadline.
[user_id] => 1440 [contact_name] => Confidential [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => N/A [main_activity] => FMCG [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 0 [employees] => 100 [clients] => 0 [notes] => [image] => icon_industry_fmcg_orange_1.png [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1440 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Anonymous [last_name] => FMCG [password] => ab16864ed31009650055884df8d30c8c2228961e [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [9] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 34 [organisation_name] => عيون التقنية للبرمجيات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات [description] =>شركة عيون التقنية للبرمجيات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات هي شركة رائدة في مجال الحاسب الآلي وتقنية المعلومات وعضو فى الجمعية المصرية للمعلومات والاتصالات والالكترونيات والبرمجيات . قامت شركة عيون الت
[user_id] => 1523 [contact_name] => hassan [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 2016 [branches] => 1 [employees] => [clients] => [notes] => [image] => SmallLogo.png [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1523 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => ol [last_name] => k [password] => 2f78e56683225d3da11c4bb393b74f8f5971b98a [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => EG [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2015-11-26 14:47:52 [last_login] => 2015-12-20 09:28:11 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [10] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 35 [organisation_name] => LCCM Asia [description] =>LCCM Asia (Logica Centre of Computer & Management Sdn Bhd) was established in 1983 started as a centre providing computer training in Kuala Lumpur. Today, it has transformed into a leading Corporate Training Provider to improve Malaysia’s human capital quality through lifelong learning, to equip the workforce with higher skills and knowledge to enhance employability, having its own building strategically located in the modern township of Putra Nilai. LCCM offers courses, workshops and seminars covering the subjects which fall into two broad categories – Digital Skills and Soft Skills. We provide both public and in-house training for all the courses we offer. LCCM is an approved training provider (Reg. No: 137671X) of Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad (PSMB) under the Ministry of Human Resources, we conduct training under training schemes that are approved by PSMB. OUR MISSION To help companies retain competitiveness through the implementation of successful human resource training. BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY To be an excellent human resources development institution providing both digital skills and soft skills for upgrading the workforce, leading to productivity enhancement and competitiveness at the firm’s level - using accelerated learning techniques. With our specialized and extensive experience in Corporate Training Programs to hundreds of companies (both private and public), LCCM has the know-how in delivering quality training packages through Public Training, In-house Training (at the client’s business premise) or at our training center. What is different today, is the pace at which technology induced workplace transformations are taking place. Digital technologies will be one of the most important tools that will affect how the work contributes to productivity gains is done and rewarded. We, at LCCM are offering new digital skills training programs to create new openings for solving this wave of disruptive world of work - to embrace this change for growth. DIGITAL SKILLS: • Entree to Internet Entrepreneurship & Intrapreneurship - Comprehensive WordPress • The Alchemist of Basic Search Engine Optimization • Microsoft Office Applications (Word, Excel & PowerPoint) • Microsoft Word Essentials • Microsoft Excel Essentials • Microsoft PowerPoint Essentials • Microsoft Access Essentials • Microsoft Project Essentials • Microsoft Excel Intermediate • Advanced Microsoft Word • Advanced Microsoft Excel • Microsoft Excel Comprehensive PivotTable • Microsoft Excel Data Modeling & Dashboards with PowerPivot • Microsoft Excel VBA • Accounting with Microsoft Excel • HR & Admin Functions with Microsoft Excel • Financial Modeling using Advanced Features of Microsoft Excel • Advanced Microsoft Access • Advanced Microsoft PowerPoint • BIG DATA & Python Programming • UBS Accounting • UBS Inventory Control • Practical Accounting With Computerized Accounts (UBS) SOFT SKILLS: • TeamBuilding - Empowering Team thru Self • Understanding Good & Service Tax (GST) For All Industries • GST System Changes Management • Business English At Work (Speaking & Writing Skills) • Your Professional Image Branding • Towards Customer Service Excellence • Effective Complaints Handling Strategies • Corporate Social Responsibility – Going Beyond Caring • Sales Transformation Through Marketing • Effective Business Plan • Leading Corporate Performance • Effective Supervisory Skills • Creating Impactful Performance Through Training Needs Analysis • Sales Negotiation Skills • The Art of Effective & Efficient Communication • Impact Driven Leadership • Professional Writing Skills • Practical Accounting & Financial Skills For Non-Financial Managers & Executives • Bank Reconciliation & Petty Cash Management KEY BENEFITS IN ATTENDING LCCM TRAINING: • Tailored training courses • Faster ways of performing tasks • Update with latest skills and technology • Raise ability in achieving company’s objectives “The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not in fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates
[user_id] => 1532 [contact_name] => Benjamin Leong [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => MY [website] => [main_activity] => Education & Training [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 6 [clients] => 60 [notes] => [image] => /yomken2/images/avatar.jpg [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1532 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Benjamin [last_name] => Leong [password] => 6f81ace18f5b58685afd23eaf32dbd40d06fce6b [mobile] => +60123868932 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => I’m Benjamin Leong, the co-founder of LCCM Asia with over 30 years experience in IT training and consultancy in the education industry. I hold a B.Sc (Hon.) Computing Science degree from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. and the Digital Brand Management, a Professional Development Program from University of San Francisco. I’m also a member of The British Computer Society (BCS). LCCM Asia (Logica Centre of Computer & Management Sdn Bhd) was established in 1983 started as a centre providing computer training in Kuala Lumpur. Today, it has transformed into a leading Corporate Training Provider to improve Malaysia’s human capital quality through lifelong learning, to equip the workforce with higher skills and knowledge to enhance employability, having its own building strategically located in the modern township of Putra Nilai. [currency] => EGP [country_id] => MY [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2015-12-08 14:13:05 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => MY [country] => Malaysia [country_ar] => ماليزيا [country_fr] => Malaisie ) ) [11] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 36 [organisation_name] => Schaduf [description] =>Schaduf was established in 2011 to empower and sustain Cairo’s low income communities through rooftop farming. The Arabic word “schaduf” refers to an ancient irrigation tool, which lifts water to irrigation canals. In our case, we lift water, sunshine, and life to barren concrete walls and roofs.
We aim to provide inspired urban green solutions that elevate the quality of life through social and environmental change. We do so by crafting sustainable spaces that adapt to diverse communities’ needs. Our state-of-the-art products include rooftop farms, roof gardens and vertical wall gardens, as well as a multitude of eco products and solutions. As a leader in the industry our trendy solutions combine smart automated control with a knowledgeable and dedicated design, consulting and maintenance team.
We are constantly pushing the boundaries of life sciences, engineering and art to cater to the needs of our customers and their wellbeing.
[user_id] => 1508 [contact_name] => Mohamed [contact_email] => Barakat [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => Empower and sustain Cairo’s low income communities through rooftop farming [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 4 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => 8daf8f2693a05f15c70f65e01577d1d8.jpg [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1508 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Tarek [last_name] => Hosny [password] => 24041c27124cf502de7f106c2fd0d8aa7f16829c [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2015-11-13 23:17:14 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [12] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 37 [organisation_name] => Sherif Alaa [description] =>
I'm a Marketing Manager and a sponsor of new creations that have just started from scratch, and need a push to see the light as a new, robust product and a Market competitor. My role is to pick ideas that solve problems which are needed and searched by the consumers, as well as save on marketing expenses and achieve large sum of profit for the producing companies.
[user_id] => 1484 [contact_name] => Sherif Alaa [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => Sponsoring new creations [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => [type] => Others ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1484 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Sherif [last_name] => Alaa [password] => 9e4322d86e7b8afa86f4ab60a2f9d7f3061612ca [mobile] => 01001860937-01211225081 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => انا ممول لافكار المخترعين التي هي مجرد فكرة علي ورق تريد تمويل لتظهر للنور كمنتج جديد قوي و منافس في الاسواق واختار الافكار التي تحل مشاكلنا و يحتاجها المستهلك بشدة و يبحث عنها فتوفر للمستثمر في نفقات الدعاية و تحقق ارباح طائلة للشركة المصنعة. [currency] => EGP [country_id] => EG [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [13] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 38 [organisation_name] => يورو هوم [description] =>شركة متخصصة في :- 1- تصنيع وبيع الاثاث والتحف وكل مايلزم البيت العصري . 2- أعمال التصميم المعماري . 3- أعمال التصميم الداخلي . 4- اعمال المقاولات والتشطيبات .
[user_id] => 1581 [contact_name] => يورو هوم [contact_email] => YASSER.DESIGNER@HOTMAIL.COM [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => تجارة الاثاث واعمال التصميم الداخلي [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 2 [clients] => [notes] => [image] => 63e82a6a7aed6c57c1720b6c0260454b.jpg [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1581 [group_id] => 4 [email] => YASSER.DESIGNER@HOTMAIL.COM [first_name] => YASSER [last_name] => AWAD [password] => 56a6896330baea3f0a23c4b477d15450963fd51a [mobile] => 00201027275003 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => • Effective time management skills and problem solving ability . follow up on actions taken by the managers/affiliated • companies in the Group on decisions taken by. • Highly creative and comes up with unexpected and Career Objective: different solutions [currency] => EGP [country_id] => EG [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2016-01-24 13:59:05 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [14] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 39 [organisation_name] => Hoor-Masr [description] =>Hoor-Masr is an Egyptian start-up that sells leather products, such as handbags and notebooks, as well as hand painted plates for decoration and daily usage. Their unique products use natural Egyptian leather and the paintings are derived from the Egyptian culture.
[user_id] => 1695 [contact_name] => Hoor-Masr [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => selling leather products, such as handbags and notebooks, as well as hand painted plates for decoration and daily usage. [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => edc7ca8cd9a386350f25e12a1af96a37.jpg [type] => Others ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1695 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Hoor-Masr [last_name] => Company [password] => 7a96d4f83067b7f9f56f21bc10a3305f445e1547 [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2016-05-08 22:27:33 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [15] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 40 [organisation_name] => azalx [description] => [user_id] => 1781 [contact_name] => azalx [contact_email] => azalx.Workshop@GMAIL.COM [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => الصناعات المميزة [start_year] => 2016 [branches] => 1 [employees] => [clients] => [notes] => [image] => 437786915e866369e98956c510a0e2c1.jpg [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1781 [group_id] => 4 [email] => azalx.Workshop@GMAIL.COM [first_name] => azalx [last_name] => Workshop [password] => c96135913bc6283ee9a00f4e3c2b4a0e88445bdd [mobile] => 002-011-00-40-40-61 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => أزالكس موقع الكتروني لتسويق منتجات تم صنعها في ورشه عمل أزالكس ليس لنا معارض و يمكن مشاهدة و شراء منتجاتنا فقط من خلال موقعنا هدفنا نشر ثقافة وتوعية المجتمع العربي للإنتاج والعمل والحصول على منتجات مشرفة تنافس المنتجات العالمية الراقية حيث أنك من خلال متابعتك لنا ... سنزودك بالآتي :- 1- سنعرض عليك منتجات مشرفة تستحق أن يكتب عليها "منتجات عالمية ..... بتتكلم عربي " ... وستحكم على جودتنا بنفسك . 2- سنساعد كل صانع في بداية حياته و يخاف من بدء تجربة الصناعه المحلية . اعمل لايك وشير ودعوه وانت تعرف حكايتنا [currency] => EGP [country_id] => EG [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2016-07-05 19:24:17 [last_login] => 2020-08-18 17:12:14 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [16] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 41 [organisation_name] => Fakkah Organization [description] =>Fakkah Organization for Entrepreneurship and Community Partnerships is a Non-Governmental and Non-Profit Organization. Founded on May 18, 2013 and declared under decree number 5322.
Fakkah briefly aims to Sustainable Social Contribution through transferring fractions remaining in each bill in Hypermarkets, online or Mega stores to small and intermediate projects to help build and develop Egypt, otherwise building overall partnerships with other organizations in many fields.
[user_id] => 1799 [contact_name] => Fakkah [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => Sustainable Social Contribution through transferring fractions remaining in each bill in Hypermarkets, online or Mega stores to small and intermediate projects to help build and develop Egypt [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 100 [clients] => 5 [notes] => [image] => b1a6d53c533fbce2602aefb759fd1d37.jpg [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1799 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Fakkah [last_name] => Organization [password] => a488fa1041400011ee0d082cd8bca29e3440a9e4 [mobile] => 01068161495 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => Fakkah Organization for Entrepreneurship and Community Partnerships is a Non-Governmental and Non-Profit Organization. Founded by Dr. Gasser Darwish on May 18, 2013 and declared under decree number 5322 - Giza in May 2014. Fakkah briefly aims to Sustainable Social Contribution through transferring fractions remaining in each bill in Hypermarkets, online or Mega stores to small and intermediate projects to help build and develop Egypt, otherwise building overall partnerships with other organizations in many fields. [currency] => EGP [country_id] => EG [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2016-07-20 18:06:43 [last_login] => 2019-03-03 23:43:31 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [17] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 42 [organisation_name] => Mumm [description] =>Mumm is an online marketplace for Value Home Cooked Meals. They deliver healthy and tasty meals prepared by moms, house wives and freelance chefs using fresh ingredients to your doorstep.
[user_id] => 1801 [contact_name] => Waleed [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => Food Delivery [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => 1e5bb192423aaa107a19ae39d5d7959f.jpg [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1801 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Mumm [last_name] => Organization [password] => 7a96d4f83067b7f9f56f21bc10a3305f445e1547 [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2016-07-23 20:52:12 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [18] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 43 [organisation_name] => Nabd El Hayat Foundation [description] =>مؤسسة نبض الحياة، مؤسسة لاتهدف الى الربح اشهرت فى ٢٠١٤ للقيام بتقديم حلول باستخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات لبعض التحديات المجتمعية. من الركائز الاساساية التى نعمل عليها فى المؤسسة الصحة، التمكين والاستدامة ودمج ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة فى المجتمع. من اولى المبادرات والتحديات المجتمعية التى قمنا بالعمل عليها هى الصحة. بدأنا الملف الصحى بقضية التبرع بالدم والنقص الشديد فى عدد المتبرعين المنتظمين بالتبرع بالدم مما ادى الى تاخر بعض العمليات وحالات وفاة لعدم توافر فصائل الدم فى الحالات الحرجة وبالطبع السوق السوداء لاكياس الدم ومشتاقته. بالاضافة الى القيام بفحص وتسجيل الحالات المرضية المصابة بفيروسات الدم مثل فيروس سى وتوجيهها للعلاج بالتعاون مع عدد من المؤسسات الحكومية والمؤسسات. التمكين والاستدامة عن طريق تدريب وتوجية الشباب وخلق فرص وظيفية جديدة لهم عن طريق تزويدهم بطرق جديدة ودورات تدريبية عن متطلبات سوق العمل وفتح مجالات جديدة لهم. الدمج ملف خاص بمتحدى الاعاقة ودمجهم فى المجتمع بدأ من العملية التعليمية فى المدراس والكليات، الى فتح مجالات عمل جديدة لهم باستخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات.
[user_id] => 1803 [contact_name] => Nabd El Hayat [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => Providing solutions through technology in the health, sustainability and empowerment fields. [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => 6a88b4556d4bc2226422fc0b5330445b.jpg [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1803 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Nabd El Hayat [last_name] => Foundation [password] => 7a96d4f83067b7f9f56f21bc10a3305f445e1547 [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2016-07-24 17:25:07 [last_login] => 2016-07-26 17:47:45 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [19] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 44 [organisation_name] => جمعية الهواء والنور التنموية الزراعية [description] =>نبذة عن الجمعية: تأسست جمعية الهواء والنور التنموية الزراعية في العام 2003 استجابة لظروف المزارعين الاجتماعية والاقتصادية الهشة في تلك الفترة والتي اتصفت بهشاشة الوضع الاقتصادي والاجتماعي للمزارعين بسبب سياسات الاحتلال في مصادرة الأرض والمياه وإغلاق المعابر والحصار المحكم على قطاع غزة لتضر بمصالح المزارعين والنساء الريفيات والشباب الفلسطيني. تأسست جمعية الهواء والنور التنموية الزراعية كمؤسسة أهلية من قبل مجموعة متطوعين وحملة شهادات بتخصصات مختلفة أهمها الهندسة الزراعية وتليها العلوم والحقوق تم المحاسبة ، تمحورت أولويات المؤسسة في مرحلة البداية في إطار سياسة مقاومة إجراءات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي لتهميش الزراعة وتدمير البنية التحتية للزراعة الفلسطينية لتعزيز صمود المزارع والمرأة الريفية ، وقد اعتمدت المؤسسة في مرحلتها الأولى على كوادر متطوعة بشكل كامل إضافة إلى تشكيل لجان زراعية في مناطق مختلفة من قطاع غزة بهدف تحديد أولويات المزارعين ومساعدة المؤسسة في تنفيذ أنشطتها المجتمعية. تسلمت جمعية الهواء والنور التنموية الزراعية أول تمويل لها عام 2006، بدأت المؤسسة بتطوير أنظمت العمل الأساسية (الإدارية والمالية) حيث تركزت الأنشطة في هذه الفترة على تنفيذ مشاريع تنموية كاستصلاح الأراضي وترميم الدفيئات الزراعية ومد شبكات الري وترميم الآبار أما المشاريع الإغاثة فتمثلت في توزيع السلات الغذائية وخزانات المياه البلاستيكية والحقائب المدرسية وصناديق جمع ثمار الزيتون من خلال التنسيق والشراكات مع المؤسسات المحلية والدولية العاملة في قطاع غزة كمؤسسة كير الدولية ومجموعة الهيدرولوجيين الفلسطينيين ومركز معا التنموي والإغاثة الإسلامية عبر العالم والإغاثة الكاثوليكية والمركز الفلسطيني للديمقراطية وحل النزعات وجمعية ارض الانسان ، طورت جمعية الهواء والنور التنموية الزراعية هيكلية إدارية في عام 2007، هذه الهيكلية تشكلت من الهيئة العامة ، مجلس الإدارة والمدير العام ، بالإضافة إلى منسق وحدة العلاقات الخارجية والمشاريع والمدير المالي ومنسقي الأنشطة.
[user_id] => 1805 [contact_name] => سراج اسعد خليل ابو لطيفة [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => PS [website] => [main_activity] => تقديم الخدمات الزراعية / والاطفال/ النساء [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 2 [clients] => 7 [notes] => [image] => /yomken2/images/avatar.jpg [type] => NGOs ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1805 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => seraj latifa [last_name] => latifa [password] => 45c8d5e78d7962a0102c2947c8b131ebe0a4e2d9 [mobile] => 972599172233 [balance] => 0.00 [about] => C.V الاسم سراج الدين اسعد خليل أبو لطيفة رقم الهوية 801215948 الحالة الاجتماعية أعزب مكان الميلاد ليبيا (طبرق) تاريخ الميلاد 1985/5/25 الجنسية فلسطينية المؤهل العلمي بكالوريوس جغرافية وتخطيط اسم الجامعة الأزهر سنة التخرج 2007/2006 الخبرات العملية م . طبيعة العمل اسم المؤسسة السنة 1. منشط مخيمات صيفية جمعية الرواد للشباب 2008 2. منشط مخيمات صيفية جمعية الهواء والنور 2007 3. مراقب عمال ( مشروع التشغيل الطارئ ) برنامج خلق فرص عمل بكدار 2007 4. باحث ميداني الإغاثة الإسلامية 2007 5. مراقب عمال ( مشروع حصاد) مركز العمل التنموي معا 2008 6. باحث ميداني ( حصر الإضرار الزراعية محافظة خان يونس) جمعية الهواء والنور التنموية الزراعية من خلال UNDP 2009-2008 7. باحث ميداني تقدير احتياجات (المزارعين) جمعية الهواء والنور التنموية الزراعية 2009-2008 8. مشرف مشروع من المزارع الفقير إلي الأسر الفقيرة بتمويل من صندوق الأوبك للتنمية بقيمة 150.000 $ جمعية الهواء والنور التنموية الزراعية 2009 9. منسق مشروع ( استصلاح الأراضي الطارئ ) بتمويل من Premiere Urgency بقيمة 120.000 $ PU 2009 10. مشرف مشروع ترميم وإنشاء الدفيئات الزراعية والممول من Oxfam بقيمة 203400 € جمعية التنمية الزراعية ( الإغاثة الزراعية ) 2010 11. منسق مشروع خلق فرص عمل من خلال توزيع الأرنب على الأسر الريفية الفقيرة والممول من الصندوق الكندي للمبادرات المحلية بقيمة 46996 $ جمعية الهواء والنور التنموية الزراعية 2010 12. منسق مشروع إعادة تأهيل الأراضي الزراعية المدمرة في قطاع غزة والممول من الصندوق العربي للإنماء الاقتصادي والاجتماعيAFESD بقيمة 1000000$ جمعية التنمية الزراعية ( الإغاثة الزراعية ) 2010/2011 13. مشرف مشروع زراعة الأشتال في قطاع غزة والممول من الجمعية العربية لحماية الطبيعة APN جمعية التنمية الزراعية ( الإغاثة الزراعية ) 2010 14. منسق مشروع إعادة استصلاح الأراضي وزراعة العنب لسنة الثانية بقيمة 163810.815€ جمعية التنمية الزراعية ( الإغاثة الزراعية ) 2010 15. منسق مشروع إعادة استصلاح الأراضي وزراعة العنب لسنة الثالثة بقيمة 179778.366€ جمعية التنمية الزراعية ( الإغاثة الزراعية ) 2011 16. منسق مشروع حماية سبل معيشة المزارعين شرق فطاغ غزة في قطاع غزة والممول من CCFD جمعية التنمية الزراعية ( الإغاثة الزراعية ) 2012 17. مشرف جمعية الهواء والنور في برنامج الدعم النفسي بالتعاون من المركز الفلسطيني للحل النزاعات والصحة النفسية جمعية الهواء والنور 2013 الـدورات التدريبية م . اسم الدورة مكان الدورة المدة 1. دورة كمبيوتر متقدمة WORD- EXCEL PowerPoint مركز المعلومات 30ساعة 2. دورة تنشيط مخيمات صيفية مركز العمل التنموي معا جمعية الرواد للشباب الفلسطيني 25 ساعة 3. دورة تنشيط مخيمات صيفية UNRWA جمعية الهدي 40 ساعة 4. مكافحة الفساد مركز معا التنموي 21 ساعة 5. الإدارة جمعية الهواء والنور التنموية الزراعية 20 ساعة 6. إجراء الاستطلاعات والمسوح الميدانية جمعية المرأة الفلسطينية 28 ساعة 7. كتابة المشاريع وصياغة المشاريع جمعية الرواد للشباب 40 ساعة 8. التخطيط والرقابة والتقييم جمعية الهواء والنور التنموية الزراعية 40 ساعة 9. إعداد مدربين جمعية المعلمين 30ساعة 10. صيانة الحاسب الآلي مركز المعلومات 30 ساعة 11. إدارة المشاريع وتحليل المعلومات الزراعية اتحاد لجان العمل الزراعي 40 ساعة 12. إعداد منسق مشاريع محترف الجامعة الإسلامية التعليم المستمر 40 ساعة 13. مستويات اللغة الانجليزية مستوي 5 AMIDEAST 40 ساعة 14. تدريب متدريبين TOT الإغاثة الزراعية 30 ساعة اللغات التي حصلت عليها م . اللغة المستوي كتابة قراءة محادثة 1. العربية ممتاز ممتاز ممتاز 2. الانجليزية جيد جيد جيد المهارات مهارات استخدام برامج الحاسوب والوسائط المتعددة. مهارات استخدام الأجهزة المكتبية. القدرة على كتابة التقارير الإدارية والفنية. القدرة على العمل تحت الضغط . الإشراف وإدارة المشاريع التنموية والطارئة. صياغة مقترحات مشاريع . العمل الميداني والتعامل مع الجمهور. [currency] => EGP [country_id] => PS [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => ar [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2016-07-25 14:57:14 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => PS [country] => Palestine [country_ar] => فلسطين [country_fr] => Territoires palestiniens ) ) )
Page 2 of 11, showing 20 records out of 211 total
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