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Omnia and Sara aimed at using social media, mainly the Facebook page of the NEP, to reach out to more blue collars. The solvers launched targeted Facebook Ads campaigns that have an attractive and useful content, . The solvers also targeted influencers and relevant Facebook pages to post NEP's vacancies. Furthermore, the solvers increased the responsiveness of the page via creating an auto-reply system to the messages and by increasing the average post/week
The Challenge:
The Solution was a response to the "Reach More Blue-Collars Challenge".
The solvers worked on the sustainability of the impact they achieved via giving working closely with the NEP's team. Moreover, the solvers provided the NEP's team with the needed capacity building materials for them to work based on the newly established advertisement campaigns This solution was implemented as a part of the "CrowdSolving for Employment Solution" done in collaboration with the LMAP's of GIZ.
The Team:
Omnia Abdelhakim Salem is a 21 years old senior Economic student at Faculty of Economics and Political Science Cairo university. She was a delegate at the Model of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (MOIC) in 2015, she also worked in marketing and media at EBSM in 2015, as well as in fundraiser at STP 2017
Sara Abbas is an Economics and Social Science Computing student at Cairo University. in 2017, she worked, with her teammate, with the National Employment Pact as a part of their solution to the "Reaching more blue collars" challenge. their solution was trying to find the several ways to reach blue collars via social media. In 2013 she received a certification from Adobe as a graphic designer and worked for as a graphic designer.
Share your ideas and get help
They are aiming to use the facebook to reach to more blue-collars.
the team is looking for marketing support.
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عاصم عرابى
Posted on 2018-06-27 09:45:01الحل جميل ومجدى الى حد ما ولكن المشكلة تكمن ان قطاع كبير من العماله المهنية لا يلتفت الى اعلانات منصات التواصل كالفيس بوك وتويتر وانستجرام وغيرها ويقتصر استخدامه على الاتصال عبر المسنجر مثلا وايضا اغلب استخدام العماله المهنية للهاتف النقال فى جزء الاتصال واستقبال الاتصالت فلو تم الوصول لطريقة تكوين قاعدة بيانات بها ارقام هواتف العماله المهنية فى المجالات المطلوبة او حتى المجالات الاخرى فسيتم الوصول اليهم بشكل اسرع لان العمل يتم فى هذا القطاع عن طريق مشاركة العمل مع بعضهم البعض