Okra Sorting Machine


In collaboration with Anonymus Factory, Yomken.com’s team implemented a solution to the challenge of "Okra Sorting Machine" which was published on Yomken.com’s platform under the auspices of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology to find an okra sorting machine to eliminate loses due to infections.

The Solution

The winning solution is a modified design for an okra sorting machine. The design has better efficiency and lower cost with a compatible size and the structure can be easily dismantled and reconstructed. It uses AI technology to identify infections.

The Challenge

The “Okra Sorting Machine” challenge aimed to innovate an okra sorting machine with high efficiency and high capacity.

The Solver

Eng. Mohamed Eldimerdash - Electronics and Communications Engineer graduated from Tanta university

Eng. Ahmed Shahen - Electronics and Communications Engineer graduated from Tanta university

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An okra sorting machine with high efficiency and high capacity capable of detecting infections.

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Solution pour:

Machine de Tri de Gombo

par Anonymous

Sharqiya Égypte


70000 EGP


Mohamed El-Demerdash

Tanta city




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