Sand-Made Water Filter


A low-cost sand-made water filter to purify water!


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Many people in Sohag villages have no choice but drinking groundwater that unfortunately may contain high levels of sediments and microbes. Expensive filters would only last for around 6 months and not everyone can afford them. 

An NGO working in Edfa village submitted a challenge on and asked for a cheaper and better filter to clean the groundwater. They were hoping for a more efficient solution that would last longer, and Essam Radwan, a student from Zewail University, had the perfect solution. Essam's idea was to use sand, stones of different sizes, and some useful bacteria to clean the water. His filter design was simple, cheap, and easy to make at home. His solution was selected and then he traveled to Sohag to deliver a workshop to train the village people on how to make the filter. You can watch the whole story in this short video:

Solution pour:

Groundwater Challenge

par CDFC

Sohag Égypte


6000 EGP


Essam Radwan




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