Green Power Unit

par The SwitchMed Initiative - The Switchers Eco-Innovation program

   Tunisia, Tunisie

Projet par

The SwitchMed Iniative


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How can we build a green energy source to power up an eco-lodge?

Would you like to apply your abilities to build a renewable energy unit for eco-lodges in Tunisia? In collaboration with the SwitchMed Initiative - The Switchers Eco-Innovation Program—we seek talented engineers to build a green energy unit to power up eco-lodges efficiently.

Submit your innovative idea of a green power unit for a chance to win 1,250 Euros, 3,750 EUR in agile support services, and a chance to win a voucher for 10,000 Euros in services for the best idea provided by the SwitchMed Initiative and If you’d like to partner with us, please read on for more details! 


The SwitchMed initiative aims to achieve a circular economy in the southern Mediterranean by changing how goods and services are produced and consumed. Accordingly, the program provides tools and services directly to the private sector, supports an enabling policy environment, and facilitates the exchange of information among partners and key stakeholders.

Recent years have seen a global shift toward renewable energy. It earns its importance as a way back to fight against climate change. Renewable energy embraces extensive sources, such as wind and sunlight. It has scalable applications, from small residential roof-top systems to utility-scale power generation installations. 

 Eco-lodges are one of the ways to preserve the environment and explore new tourist trends as they use organic or recyclable material, efficient waste management, and power systems. To nurture these characteristics, they have to build their power units, which can be unaffordable for small lodges. In Tunisia, they have an abundance of sunlight throughout the year, but solar photovoltaic panels are costly, which slows their advancement and efficiency.

The Challenge
To design and build a solar power unit sufficient to power up an ecolodge of eight rooms and a restaurant.

The proposed solution should adhere to the following methodology:

  • Describe Your Idea and State Your Approach: Provide a comprehensive description of your idea while clearly articulating your approach.

  • Endurance: Ensure that your solution is designed for long-term persistence and reliability.

  • Clearly Outline Your Expected Budget and Implementation Timeline: Provide a transparent breakdown of your anticipated budget and a well-defined timeline for implementation, should you secure a future contract.

  • Define Your Idea’s Success Metrics and Explain the Rationale for Your Approach: Clearly define the metrics that will measure the success of your idea. Also, explain why your chosen approach is most suitable for achieving these metrics.

  • Low-Cost and Low-Maintenance Approach: Emphasize a strategy that not only keeps costs at a minimum but also requires minimal maintenance over time.

How to participate?

  1. Submit a complete application form before the deadline of 9/11/2023 11:59 (GMT+2). This idea should include an uploaded, detailed proposal demonstrating how the outlined criteria will be met.

  2. The shortlisted candidates will be chosen based on the innovativeness of their solutions and will be invited to present their ideas in an online pitch competition. 

  3. The best winning idea will be chosen by SwitchMed representatives. 

Reward and Conditions

The shortlisted candidates will have the opportunity to present their ideas in an online pitch competition attended by the SwitchMed representatives and’s team.

A total reward of 1,250 EUR, 3,750 EUR in agile support service, and a chance to win a voucher for 10,000 Euros in services provided by the SwitchMed Initiative - The Switchers Eco-Innovation Program and to the best winning solution.

As per’s  Terms and Conditions and in case the intellectual property rights are not registered, the innovator should not disclose any sensitive unprotected information. Meanwhile, they should include all technical details required to judge the technical validity and feasibility of the solution. 

You can submit a solution at any time. Before doing so, we strongly recommend you read the rules and FAQs.

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Projet par

The SwitchMed Iniative


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