Improved Solar Heater

par Shamsina Egypt

   Cairo, Égypte

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Did you know that the energy which the sun provides to the Earth for one hour could meet the global energy needs for one year? However, we are able to harness only 0.001 percent of that energy.

A call for engineers and environmental activists with technical background in solar technologies to submit a new low cost solar powered water heater design which will be manufactured and provided free of charge to  energy poor communities in Egypt, in a chance to win 10,000 EGP provided by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology in collaboration with Shamsina. Please read on for more details!


Shamsina uses solar technologies to create community-based solutions to challenges in energy access, quality of life and health, and economic conditions among marginalized populations; currently, it manufactures affordable flat panel solar water heaters for energy poor communities in Egypt, for which it seeks new low cost designs to revamp the heating unit and improve its efficiency. This initiative aims to provide improved solar water heaters to the energy poor communities in Egypt, free of charge.


The Challenge

To design a low cost durable flat panel solar water heater with the following requirements:

  • Affordability, the cost of materials for one water heater should be below 2,700 EGP.

  • Effectiveness: The water heater will be used in diverse locations (urban, rural, remote) across Egypt. It is typically installed on rooftops but in some cases is used stand alone. Heating capabilities range from 35 - 45 degrees celsius depending on location and season.

  • A capacity of 100 Litres

  • Practical aspects of the design (ease of manufacturing; mobility and durability of the heater)

  • Aesthetic appeal

Reward and Conditions
The winner will receive a reward of 10,000 EGP provided by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology in collaboration with Shamsina, to implement the solution according to the following conditions:

  1. The solution should meet the aforementioned criteria.

  2. The solution should include a clear plan of action including implementation stages, timeline, required tools/materials, estimated budget, and technical support required (if applicable).

  3. The reward will be given in installments, in accordance to milestones set by the innovator(s) according to their plan of action.

  4. If selected, you will be provided with all details on the current Shamsina design and access to functioning models of the heater and will be called on to oversee the manufacturing and demonstration of your designs.

  5. The winning design will be manufactured and distributed to energy poor communities free of charge over the summer months.

  6. Applicants will need to submit a detailed drawing of their solar water heater, a list of needed materials and costs, and steps/timeline for manufacturing.

  7. As per our platform Terms and Conditions, in case the intellectual property rights are not registered, the innovator should include the minimum details required to judge the technical validity and feasibility of the solution without full technical specifications.

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