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par Shamsina Egypt
Cairo, Égypte
Winning entities will get the heater for free in return of providing data, photos, and other supporting documents on the heater usage as indicated in the Terms and Conditions below to support further research and development on the heater design.
Shamsina’s solar water heater relies solely on the sun for the transfer of heat to energy. It is a clean energy technology that does not utilize toxic gases or electricity. The technology itself was constructed with affordability in mind, and has virtually no long-term costs since solar radiation is abundant and free. This also means that it is universally accessible, even in remote desert and rural communities.
Shamsina locally manufactures low-cost solar-powered water heaters for energy-poor communities. The heater subject of this eRFP has been locally designed. It is one of its kind to be designed and manufactured in Egypt. The cost of the solar water heater is three-fold lower than the cheapest solar water heater on the market.
So far, the heater has been crafted for the needs of energy poor communities within Cairo and thus the selected recipients in this round should represent diverse entities and uses for the water heater, in order to enrich Shamsina’s understanding of the functioning of the heater in different settings and thus allow for further research and development.
The building on which the heater is to be installed should meet the following criteria:
[1] The Global Shapers Community is a youth network of city-based hubs driving dialogue, action, and change. It is affiliated with the World Economic Forum.
[2] Shamsina designs and manufactures affordable and reliable solar technologies for energy poor communities and equips the public with the tools to innovate clean energy solutions.
The acquisition of 1 out of 8 low-cost solar-powered water heater.
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